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Q: If your 1984 Corolla is making noises like there are spoons strapped underneath the valve cover what is wrong?
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Tighten it.

What is the piano know for?

making noises.

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making noises

What causes a bathroom tub shower pipes to shake and make noises when turned on?

They are probably not strapped in the wall. If you have a quick closing faucet, there may be water hammer.

What cause noises when you are making turns?

what is the problem when you are making turns you get a cracking noise.

Why is car making squeaky spring noises?

the seat

Why do Yorkshire terrier makes noises?

It could be making "noises" because it could be "crying" in some way for some reason. If you are giving it a hug or stroking it then it could be making noises because it likes you stroking it and making a fuss of it. Or it could be growling or barking at you/somebody else for some reason.

Whats wrong when your 1980 Pontiac Phoenix is making noises when you are driving?

This is too general of a question. Please describe the noises.

Why after hitting a bump your car now makes a loud banging noise coming from underneath?

Muffler loud noises

How do you stop a dog from making gagingnoises?

I Got A Spray Called ''Pet Control'' which Makes A Noise And Stops Them Making Noises!! Bring it to the vet! Why is it making gagging noises? I don't think it is really that humane to spray a dog with something that makes them stop making noises. Just sternly say "no" so your dog loudly so he/she knows you are angry.

What do you do with a lollipop?

u suk it hard while making noises

What begins with n and can be in a haunted house?

The haunted house could contain noises. The noises would be what is making the house appear to be haunted.