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No, fees owed as part of a fine are not a debt you can have forgiven, your vehicle secures that debt so if you want the vehicle the debt needs to be paid.

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Q: In a traffic case your car was towed and still charged daily storage fees can you include these fees in your bankruptcy and get your car back?
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Related questions

Can you file bankruptcy on traffic tickets if they are 15 years old?

No. Traffic citations are not covered in any type of bankruptcy proceeding and the debt you have associated with that will remain with you.

Can traffic tickets be filed in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Fines for violating the law, such as traffic tickets and judgments, fall under the category of nondischargeable debts in any bankruptcy proceeding and will stay with you during and after your your chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Can traffic tickets be included in bankruptcy?

Fines and penalties are NOT dismissable.

Are traffic lights luminous?

No, because traffic lights are charged, not naturally bright.

Can bankruptcy clear traffic tickets?

No. Fines, penalties, court judgments and things like that are not discharged. It is considered against the good of the public to allow someone to escape what was expected to be something they were required to do as compenasation to society or as a punitive or penalty for their actions.

Can you file bankruptcy on traffic citations?

I think that you can claim poverty so essentialy, yes

What is the difference between receiving a citation and being charged with a crime?

Depends. A common term for citation is a traffic related citation. A traffic citation can include 'charges' for both civil and criminal offenses, depending on the state laws in effect at the time of the alleged offense.

What is an example of a fine charged by the government?

One example would be a traffic ticket.

Why were cities important?

They handled every kind of traffic and they support storage facilities.

If I owe criminal restitution fees--failure to pay on civic traffic charges which turned them into criminal charges--can a bankruptcy discharge those debts?

no, you are still liable for the charges, no matter if you file for bankruptcy.

What is sol state of Maine on traffic tickets?

There is no statute of limitations for a traffic tickets in Maryland. You have been duly informed and charged with the violation by the ticket.

I had traffic tickets from 7 yrs ago that were sent to collections C O of the court I filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy those debts were discharged under the bankruptcy do I still owe the debts?

If tickets were discharged after filing for bankruptcy then someone would not owe on these debts.