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Normally, in mammals the blood glucose level is maintained at between 3.6 and 5.8 millimoles per litre. In humans, normal blood glucose is about 90 mg per 100ml of blood--that's about 5 millimoles.

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Q: In homeostasis what is blood glucose range between?
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What helps to maintain a stable internal environment?

Homeostasis means to maintain a stable internal environment. Lack of homeostasis is disease. All of the body organs do this. They keep the systems working at a set range. Blood pressure, glucose levels, etc. The main organs involved are the liver, kidneys, lungs and nervous system.

Where can I find information on the normal blood glucose range?

There are a number of websites that contain information on the normal blood glucose range. Such information can be found on WebMD, Wikipedia and MayoClinic.

Can you tell me what amount of blood sugar range is normal?

Fasting blood glucose should be between 70-100. A normal blood glucose would be about 125. If your fasting glucose is above 125, you may be at a high risk for developing diabetes. Your blood sugar should never be 60 or below, this is hypoglycemia and it means you could pass out or have a seizure.

What is the normal range for blood sugar?

For a non-diabetic person the blood glucose level should be between 4 and 8 mmol/l. Normal glucose range in UK is between 4-8mmol/l. Levels will increase within 2 hours after meals. In the US, a normal value is less than 120mg/dl (note different units!) .

What does 90mg/dL mean on a blood sugar chart?

A blood glucose measurement determines the amount of sugar or glucose in the blood. A normal blood sugar reading before eating is between 70 to 90mg/dL. Provided you did not have anything to eat prior to the test, your blood sugar level reading is in the normal range.

What do blood glucose levels indicate?

The standard ranges of blood glucose in healthy adults range from 7-10mmol/l. They indicate adequate pancreatic function. In diabetic patients, blood glucose levels can be considerably elevated.

What hormone is involved in blood glucose regulation?

There are two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. One is insulin. This horemone "carries" glucose into the cell. No glucose and the cell starves and the glucose levels get higher in the blood. The second hormone takes glucose out of liver storage and increases the glucose in the blood. These two are a feedback mechanism that keeps the levels in a normal range.

What is blood glucose monitor?

A blood glucose monitore is used by diabetics to help monitor and control their blood glucose levels. You can find helpful information by visiting

What is a good blood sugar range?

A normal fasting blood glucose level is between 70 and 90. Higher numbers would inducate pre-diabetes or diabetes. Post-meal glucose readings should be between 100 and 130, all depending on your age, weight, lifestyle and general health.

Blood glucose levels normal range is?

Normal range for fasting blood glucose is 65-99 mg/dl.

What are the examples of homeostasis?

The technical definition of homeostasis is 'The maintenance of an equilibrium within a living organism'. This basically means the body's methods of keeping its functions within the range where it can continue functioning.Examples of homeostasis:The regulation of body temperature, control of blood glucose levels, and the regulation of salt and water balance. These systems all ensure that the body remains stable.