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Maintenance of the pH of human blood within a certain range is an example of homeostasis. It refers to the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium.

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11y ago

75% sure it's kidneys

could be phrons because thoes are in the kidneys.


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Q: Maintain pH and regulate water content in the blood?
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What maintains pH and regulates water content in the blood?

The kidneys maintain the pH and regulate water content in the blood. The kidneys also remove waste products and filter them into the bladder to be removed.

The interaction between the organs that regulate the sodium and water content of the blood is an example of?

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Why is it important kidneys need to regulate water content of the blood?

it is important because if the water or fluids went regulated out of the blood you would fill up with water ending up very very sick.

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What are the two ways in which the kidneys help to maintain homeostasis in the body?

it remove urine and send it to the bladder the kidney is a reabsorbing organ

why is water importanat?

help regulate temperature and maintain bodily functions.

How is the water-regulating activity of a kidney controlled?

There are many functions of the kidneys that maintain homeostasis. In addition to filtering wastes, the kidneys use hormones to regulate blood pressure and altering the sodium and electrolyte balances to maintain proper fluid balances within the body. The kidneys help to maintain the internal balance in the body by excreting substances that change that balance. The kidneys also help to maintain water balance.

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What is the role of the kidneys in homeostasis?

Kidneys play several roles - they excrete urea this is a byproduct of protein metabolism. They maintain the pH balance throughout the body. They regulate the amount of water that is retained and excreted in the body. They assist with fluid and electrolyte balance throughout the body. They produce EPO hormone (which has a role in the production of red blood cells) and finally they assist with increased and decreased blood pressure. So basically, the kidneys filter plasma to get rid of certain ions and wastes, while keeping other ions and maintaining water balance. They get rid of substances that, in great amounts, can become toxic to the body in the blood stream.

What organ is responsible for managing the water content of the blood?

The kidney is the organ that manages the water content of the blood. People typically have two.

Does blood regulate urine production?

the kidneys regulate urine production by monitoring blood levels of water and electrolytes (amoung many other things) in the plasma

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