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If you have an existing shower with a 2" line 'stubbed out of cement', it more than likely has a P-trap underground. An easy way to tell is to get a flashlight and look down the pipe; if you can see water standing in the pipe, there is a p-trap. No water, no trap. Double trapping a fixture is not recommended.

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Q: Is it okay to have two p traps in a 2 inch shower drain line i am unsure if p trap is under the slab and have a 2 inch PVC pipe stubbed out of cement.?
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Can you install a shower stall over a cement floor?

If you have a drain available. You may need to chip some concrete around the drain to install the bottom half of the drain. With that in place, set the shower over it and the top piece screws into the drain to form a seal. You can build a 2x4 frame and raise the shower up enough to run a drain to a sump or a floor drain.

What do you do if cement is poured in your shower drain?

depending on many situations but if its still uncured cement then take a shop vac and try to suck as much as possible out then run alot of water down it. If its cured cement then most likely you will have to cut out the pipe or trap of where the cement is. If its not alot of cement in your shower drain trap and water will still flow slowly threw then you can try pouring alot of icemelt salt down the drain and it will break up the cement but takes lots of time.Very common problemDepending on how much cement went down the drain I normally use an electric snake with small chain knockers to loosen the cement from the piping walls this will NOT work on plastic system's

Is the shower drain has a ubend or straight pipe?

Shower drain goes into a trap under shower. Continue piping from trap to drain line.

How do you know if shower pipe is clogged?

Water won't drain from shower. Either trap or shower drain line is clogged.

To make your own shower stall do you need to have your drain lower?

The drain has to be slightly lower than the rest of the floor. If you tile over a cement floor, it will very gently slope down to a central drain, or a drain at the end. Try to visit some that have been done the way you want to help envision this.

How to unclog a basement shower drain that is clogged with cement?

Run a snake down it to see where the clog is, cut out the floor, remove that section of pipe, replace it and pour a new floor. There is nothing that is going to dissolve the cement. You could try scraping at it with the snake. May be loose enough to dislodge and get down the drain, but I wouldn't count on it.

How to Install Mortar Shower Pan Membrane Liner?

How to Install Mortar Shower Pan Membrane LinerOnce you've framed the shower stall, it is time to install the pan liner and cement backer board to create a water tight seal.Remove the drain cap and tape over the drain to keep mortar and other debris from entering the drain. Put down a layer of felt paper to help prevent moisture from wicking down through to the subfloor. Place a layer of metal lathe over the felt paper. Trowel in a layer of mortar that it has a one quarter inch slope towards the drain. Once the mortar dries, place a layer of felt paper along the walls of the shower stall. Attach cement board with the rough side out along the top half of the walls. Install the shower stall membrane in the bottom of the shower so that it overlaps in the corners, covers the shower curb and is approximately six inches up the side of the walls. Cut out holes for the drain, the drain bolts and the weep holes. Seal the underside of the membrane near the drain with silicone. Nail the membrane that covers the curb only on the outside. Attach the remaining cement board leaving one inch clearance from the bottom. Caulk all seems. Place some pebbles near the weep holes to protect the openings. Trowel in a layer of mortar that has a one quarter inch slope towards the drain. Mortar the curb. Remove the tape from the drain.

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What is the size needed for a shower drain?

typically shower drains are 2"

Repair cement pond?

drain it, chip out around crack repair it with a cement sealer.

What is a shower roughen?

A shower rough-in usually refers to the distance from the wall to the center of the shower drain , measured out away from both walls in a shower to the center of the drain. It also maybe referring to the height and the center line of the placement of the shower valve.

What are the steps to make a complete shower after the drain is set?

The center of the shower floor where the tile shower drain would normally be positioned ... drain base. After this step the sloped mortar bed should be ... pan liner or membrane in our instructions.