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President Philippe Guerrier, qui a regné du 3 de maï de 1844 jusqu'au 15 d'avril de 1845 c'était le troisième president de la République de Haïti en avance de l'occupation des États-Unis.

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What time exactly does the transfer of power from president to president take place on inauguration day?

At 12:01pm EST, Special Agent Donald White will mark the transfer of power by moving from behind George Bush to President Obama, signaling his protection of the new president. Read more, here:

What are the ten departments that make up the cabinet?

The fifteen Departments of the Cabinet as it stands at the moment, are as follows State Treasury Defense Justice Interior Agriculture Commerce Labor Health and Human Services Housing and Urban Development Transportation Energy Education Veterans Affairs Homeland Security These answers apply to the US President - there are many other countries around the world who have a president, as well as corporations, sports clubs, universities and other organizations.

When does a president take office when elected?

The new presidents take office of January 20 the year after they are elected. January 20th is called Inauguration Day, and it has been set on this date since 1937. The presidency actually starts at noon, EST, when the new president is sworn into office. The swearing in takes place at the capital in Washington DC. It is followed by a parade in front of the White House. The presidential oath is: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." The outgoing president will greet and dine with the incoming president to represent a peaceful transfer of power. The new president will give a speech called an inaugural address. The inaugural address usually covers what their hopes are for the country over the next four years.

When did the inauguration happen?

US presidential inaugurations begin at noon EST on January 20th.

When is the state of the union usually given?

The State of the Union address is given annually. WHEN it is given can vary, although lately it has been given in late January or early February. For example: The 2010 State of the Union Address was given on 27 January 2010. The 2005 State of the Union Address was given on 02 February 2005. Note that the first State of the Union address was given on 08 January 1790, but John Adams' first State of the Union address was delivered on 11 November 1797.

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