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If you mean what looks like a drain at the bottom of the pool and the pool is empty you are probably seeing the hydrostatic valve at work. it is there to allow ground water into the pool in order to stop it from floating in ground water that builds up under the pool when it is not full of water.

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You probably have the water level up too high. Keep the level around 1/3 to 1/2 up the skimmer and you'll be fine.

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Q: Water is coming up through your pool drain?
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How do you turn on your pool drain?

I don't know about your pool I do know however that most pool don't have a way out for the water other then through the static skimmer. and people often mistake the hydrostatic valve at the bottom of the pool as the pool drain

How do you know if ground water is coming in under pool liner?

One way would be to install drain tile in the yard around the pool deck to carry excess ground water away from the pool.

Can you change a above ground pool center drain with water in it?

Where is the drain located? If it is on the wall near the top then you can keep the water in the pool. If it is near the bottom then you may have to drain the pool.

Will it damage the pool pump or filter to let the water level drop?

So long as there is water coming through the pump when it is running it doesnt matter what the water level in the pool is.

A pool can be filled with water in 10 hours Draining the pool requires 20 hours If the pool is empty and the drain is open how much time will be needed to fill the pool?

Trick question. The pool is empty but the drain is open. With an open drain, the pool will never fill, unless the water entering exceeds the water draining.True,-----------> 20 hours

How do you remove some water from your pool?

drain it

If your vinyl pool went through Hurricane Katrina how much can you empty it to get it clean?

You can completely drain just do not leave empty for very many days or it may float like a boat.If you have a dew drain water will continue to come back into the pool from the main drain if the water table is high enough.

Pool floor drain is plugged?

If this a newly built pool then have the company that built the pool ~ or the plasterer ~come back out and finish their job of prepping the pool before the start up. Whatever it takes to clear the main drain of the cement is their job and they have shirked their responsibility. If they say they have to drain the pool this then that will be at their expense. There should be no charge for this task and they should also pay for the water to refill the pool. k

What do you do if you run into a natural water spring in the deep end of the swimming pool?

When digging pools to depths in excess of 36" deep; in many area's of the world; you will hit natural occurring ground water. The general answer is you use pumps to keep water levels down while working on pool shell; and you allow for ground water to flow through the bottom pool drain after shell is installed until you are able to fill the pool with water. If you don't allow for water to enter through the drain, your pool will float out of the ground like a boat, as the ground water tries to displace the ground that was removed.

Does the main drain line in skimmer have water in it when closing the pool?

No. You cannot use the main drain to lower the water level below the skimmer. This is because the main drain is not really a drain. It only connects right back to the 3 port valve in the skimmer.

I am building a swimming pool in Brisbane and the main drain has not been connected to the skimmer box is this normal?

Normally the way the plumbing on a pool works, You have theThe Skimmerbox all the water that comes from your pool to be filtered goes through the skimmebox. then you have the pipes that take the water to the skimmer box, sometimes water is also taken through a special opening in the spa if there is one attached.other plumbing that goes to the pool are the returns from the filter and possibly to and from the heater if there is one.last but not least at the very lowest part of the pool there is what is known as a hydrostatic valve. this is there to allow ground water that has built up under the pool to be released into the pool when it is empty. this stops the pool from coming up out of the ground.