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Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam of being an opportunist of the worst kind, attempting to benefit from the witch-trials by putting himself in a position to purchase the land of those individuals condemned to hang. "Giles Corey accuses him of taking advantage of accused landowners' plights. Knowing that the convicted will be forced to sell their land for much less than it is worth, Putnam is all too eager to attain these properties at cut-rate prices." "He has many grievances, and his vengeful, angry behavior seems to stem from his desire for power and possessions." There are already disputes over land rights swirling around the town, so Corey just points out how Putnam is ready to add to his holdings.

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Q: What accusation does Giles Corey make?
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What accusation does giles Corey make against thomas putnam?

a land grab

As Act III opens what accusation does Giles Corey make?

Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam, saying that he was overheard telling his daughter to accuse George Jacobs of witchcraft so that he can buy his land when he is prosecuted

What information does Giles Corey withhold from the court?

Giles Corey withholds the name of the honest man who overhears Mr. Putnam orchestrating the accusation of George Jacobs. There is just too much fear of the court.

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What information does Corey withhold from the court?

Giles Corey withholds the name of the honest man who overhears Mr. Putnam orchestrating the accusation of George Jacobs. There is just too much fear of the court.

What happened to giles Corey in 1692?

Giles Corey along with his wife, Martha Corey were accused of practicing witch craft. They were both killed, Giles in 1692.

Who is Giles Corey and why is he introduced into the play?

Giles corey was martha corey husband and john procters friend. Giles corey was introduced into the story because he was an actual uncommitted victom in the salem witch trils.

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How was giles corey executed?

Giles was excused because he refused to enter a plea. Giles was hit by stones.

By the end of the crucibles giles Corey has been what?

Giles Corey is crushed by rocks due to a judicial order during the Salem Witch Trials.

What news does giles Corey and frances nurse tell john proctor?

That Giles Corey's wife and Rebecca Nurse are locked up in jail.