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Architecture (the Parthenon), painting, sculpture (Myron, Phidias), philosophy (Thales, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), mathematics (Pythagorus, Euclid), medicine (Hippocrates), drama (comedies by Aristophanes [Clouds], tragedies by Sophocles [Oedipus Rex] and Euripidies [The Trojan Women])

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14y ago
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13y ago

Ancient Greek roots are everywhere in the modern world.

  • most of Greeks ideas came from the egyptians
  • Government. The Greeks gave us the idea of democracy and the 'people's country'.
  • Architecture. The pillars and regal style of great American buildings such as the White House are based on the Greeks.
  • Literature. Homer's The Odyssey, the Iliad are classics in modern literature.
  • Entertainment. Comedies, tragedies are all dramas and great plays given to us by the Greeks.
  • Logic. Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and others gave us logic.
  • Other contributions in science, famous people, math, art, medicine, technology, arts, music, religion and many others.
  • History. What else would we learn about in class? Greeks have a fascinating history.
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14y ago
  • Government. The Greeks gave us the idea of democracy and the 'people's country'.
  • Architecture. The pillars and regal style of great American buildings such as the White House are based on the Greeks.
  • Literature. Homer's the Odyssey, the Iliad are classics in modern literature.
  • Entertainment. Comedies, tragedies are all dramas and great plays given to us by the Greeks.
  • Logic. Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and others gave us logic.
  • Other contributions in science, famous people, math, art, medicine, technology, arts, music, religion and many more.
  • History. What else would we learn about in class? Greeks have a fascinating history.
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10y ago

The contribution of the ancient Greeks to western civilization is remarkably rich and diverse. In general terms, it consists of artistic inspiration (placing high value on artistic creativity), scientific and philosophical methodology and discipline (engaging seriously in the search for knowledge), and political advances (especially through the creation of democratic government as an alternative to more typical ancient rule).

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15y ago

The Ancient Greece culture has made many contributions to western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected our fine arts, government, sports, medicines, and philosophies. The Greek culture has had a very profound impact on the way people live nowadays.

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15y ago

The Greeks came up with democracy. Many words we use are based on the Greek language. The Greeks invented the first postulates and theorms for geometry and algebra. Modern civilization also uses quite abit of Greek architecture for example: the whitehouse. The Olypics are also a contribution of Greece.

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12y ago

The culture and contributions of Rome and Greece have given Western civilization a huge boost in society. A vast majority of countries in the world use a system of law we call the "Civil law" which is derived from the Roman law. A lot of other law systems have come from the Romans such as trial by jury. We've taken a lot of words from the Roman and Greeks which is why a lot of words come from Greek words, such as the word "delta" which is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. People will also never be able to forget the technologies that both of these civilizations gave to us. The Greeks were superior in mathematics and the Romans were superior in military.

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14y ago

I'm doing this for homework so if you get 5 of them can you please e-mail the answer to

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12y ago

The two main contributions by the Greeks to modern society would be democratic government and drama. Both of these things originated in Greece.

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Q: What are some of the contributions made to Western civilization by the ancient Greeks?
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What fundamental ideas and institutions of western civilization in Greece?

Qualities of individualism, humanism as well as democracy and our own current legal and political systems can trace their roots back to the ancient Greeks. In addition, their contributions to science, philosophy, art, architecture and literature influenced the Roman Empire and all of western civilization.

How is the ancient Egyptian civilization remembered?

Ancient Egyptian civilization is remembered for its longevity and for its culture. Some aspects of ancient Egyptian culture are its writing (hieroglyphics), its huge monuments and temples, its tombs and burial practices, its religion, its medicine and the spread of its language and customs throughout its area during the days of empire. Ancient Egyptian civilization is also remembered for its impact on the Hebrews, who provided a core kernel of modern Western civilization, and for its interaction with the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

When did the ancient Greeks trade?

With the beginning of the greek civilization (as in all civs). Here between 3500 and 3000 BC. (Cycladic period)

What are four ancient civilazations?

The first four civilizations are Indus (India), Yellow (china), nile (Egypt), and Mesopotamians

Are Roman and Greeks the same?

If by writing you mean the alphabet, they were similar when the Greeks used their western alphabet (there was also an eastern one). The Latins, like the Etruscans and all other peoples of ancient Italy adopted and adapted the western Greek alphabet which was brought to Italy by Greeks who settled in southern Italy.

Related questions

Which ancient civilization established the basis of Western democracy?

The Greeks.

What was the legacy of the Greeks to western civilization?

The most outstanding legacy of the ancient Greeks to modern western civilization was in the area of philosophy and political philosophy. The latter can be best illustrated by the writings of Plato.

What was the legacy of the Greeks to the western civilization?

The most outstanding legacy of the ancient Greeks to modern western civilization was in the area of philosophy and political philosophy. The latter can be best illustrated by the writings of Plato.

What enduring contributions to the arts and sciences did the ancient Greeks make?

Ancient Greeks made enduring contributions to various fields, such as philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), mathematics (Euclid, Pythagoras), theater (Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides), and science (Archimedes, Hippocrates). Their achievements in art, architecture, literature, and democracy have had a lasting impact on Western civilization.

Which Ancient European People -- the Greeks or the Romans -- made the most significant contributions to the advancement of Western Civilization?

It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.It would have to be the Romans who made the most significant contributions to western civilization. The Greeks first came up with the kernel of democracy, but the Romans took it, improved it and expanded it throughout their vast empire. Most of our western rights and laws can be traced back to the ancient Romans. In other areas besides government, Roman culture and inventions have influenced and uplifted western civilization. Some of these areas are in construction, plumbing, and public safety. The Romans had the advantage over the Greeks due to their large empire and the length of time it lasted.

What were the major contributions of ancient Athens to western civilization?

Of all the cultures to have influenced contemporary Western civilization, Ancient Greece is perhaps the most powerful. According to, the imprint of the ancient Greeks on Western society spans such diverse areas as politics, philosophy, science, art, architecture and sports. Additionally, according to, the impact of Greek literature cannot possibly be overestimated.

Was your western civilization influenced by the wise Greeks?

Was our western influenced by the wise Greeks ?

How did the ancient Greeks develop an advanced civilization?

The Ancient Greeks were truly ahead of their time. From science to technology, they built the foundation for generations to come. Due to their advanced technologies, the Greeks are simply regarded as the forerunners of Western Civilization.

What civilization made important contributions in athletics drama and philosophy?

The ancient Greeks made important contributions in athletics through the establishment of the Olympic Games, in drama with the development of theater and famous playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides, and in philosophy with influential figures like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Their civilization laid the foundation for many aspects of Western culture and thinking.

What fundamental ideas and institutions of western civilization in Greece?

Qualities of individualism, humanism as well as democracy and our own current legal and political systems can trace their roots back to the ancient Greeks. In addition, their contributions to science, philosophy, art, architecture and literature influenced the Roman Empire and all of western civilization.

Are Greeks Roman?

No, Greeks are not Roman. Greeks are the people of Greece, an ancient civilization that predates the Roman Empire. Romans are the people of Rome, an ancient civilization that grew to prominence after the Greeks.

Major contributions in the field of chemistry made by ancient Greeks?

ancient greek