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The three main reasons are: 1) Papal claims of supremacy, 2) the change to the Creed (filioque), and 3) papal teachings about purgatory and indulgences.

In addition to these, there were a few other lesser reasons, such as the use of unleavened bread, the laity receiving communion as bread only, rather than bread and wine together, the separation of baptism and confirmation, and the compulsory celibacy of Catholic clergy, the use of statues, and not allowing divorced people to re-marry. However, most other beliefs about the Christian faith remain the same.

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Q: What are the 3 reasons for the break between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches?
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What caused schism in the Christian Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerHistorically, there have been two schisms in the Catholic Church, the Schism of the East in the 11th century, when the Orthodox Churches broke away. It was mostly caused by political reasons, although there were religious reasons quoted for the actual break, like the use of leavened bread for the Eucharist. The second was in the 14th century, when the Pope moved to Avignon, and there were two claimants to the Papal throne, at one point, three. It was caused the scandal of the Pope moving from Rome.

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The Roman Catholic Church recognizes as Also Catholic the Orthodox Churches, Episcopal, and Church of England. Also, these religions recognize the Roman Catholic Church. While all schools have their own rules for admission, there should be no religious reasons why your Catholic child could not attend a Church of England school.

Which country was the first to officially split from the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe first major split form the Church that has lasted until today was the Eastern Church which was centered in Constantinople, which is the country of modern day Turkey. .Catholic Answer:The Orthodox, who split from The Catholic Church in 1054 because they rejected Papal Supremacy, the Filioque, and a few other political reasons. As noted above, this was in what is now modern day Turkey.The Assyrian Church of the East separated from the other Catholic/Orthodox churches at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD.Other groups had separated from the Catholic/Orthodox church prior to this, but have long since disappeared.Well, the people that are now called Eastern Orthodox were the first ones to break away from the church. That would be Greece.

Can a child who is baptised Catholic be converted to Coptic Orthodox?

People can be converted to whatever they want.Roman Catholic AnswerIf you are baptized Catholic, then you are bound by the laws of the Catholic Church. This is one of the reasons that, outside of a danger of death, a priest will not baptize an infant without assurance that the child will be raised in the faith. For a Catholic go "convert" to some other religion, including Coptic Orthodox, is known as apostasy and is very serious with respect to their eternal salvation. You would have to check with a priest, the technical term for converting to an Orthodox faith might be schism instead of apostasy. Anyway, it would be a serious sin.

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Because some of them are not so far from Orthodoxy, and they were not born in Orthodoxy, so its easier just to stay as they are Also, they may not be aware of the differences between the churches

When did the greek orthodox church begin?

The Christian Church began on the day of Pentecost within the period of 30 through 33 A.D. The church consisted of 120 members. The 12 Apostles were the leaders with Peter as the primary spokesman. The church grew by leaps and bounds. The Apostles defined their primary role as teachers. The congregation elected leadership over things that involved their own matters (Acts 6). The Apostles appointed leaders in new churches (Titus 1). Historically, different patterns existed. St. Nicholas was elected bishop by a local congregation. Clement of Rome criticized the Church at Corinth for throwing out the church leadership by holding an election and deviating from the established pattern. The current system more or less became established at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. That council created part of the Nicene Creed. More important, it established the form of organization for the church. That was the point where the procedures of the Orthodox Church were first standardized. The Conference of Constantinople would change the Nicene Creed to the form we use today. At 800 A.D. Charlemagne made the Roman Catholic Church the official church of his empire. The Roman Church adjusted to the new political situation. At that point, the two branches of Christianity began to split. The laity started losing its influence within the church organization. In 1054 the split became complete.

When did roman Catholics and greek Catholics separate?

After Christ's resurection, there was only one church (keep in mind this is still the Roman Empire), but Christianity was illegal under Roman Law. So they were secret. As Rome weekend around 300AD, the church grew in strength and the persecutions against christians stopped.In 325 AD the Emporer Constantine allowed toleration of Christianity, but there were still quarrels amongst the several groups, such as when was the birth of Jesus, When is Easter?, Are Icons idolatory? what language etc..So Constantine gathered a representivie from each church, such as Greece, Rome, Egypt, Antioch, Judea, and Gaul (France) and ordered them to iron out their differences. This unity is known as the Council of Nicaea, and the final church became known as the HOLY ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH.Under the rules, Easter was set, as was the birth of Christ, and icons could be allowed, each church could retain local traditions.In 1054AD the Great Schism occurred, The Eastern Churches remained under the Ecumenical Councils and West became Catholic. After the fall of Rome, the Eastern Churches picked up the remains of the Roman Empire, and called themselves New Rome (the Byzantine Empire), as the Catholic churches fought for power, the French, English, Italian States and Spanish States were formed.Today there cannot be another Ecumenical Council (Council of Nicaea was the first) because it requires that an Emperor be present to convene it.

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This is up to you: as a Christian, you can choose the denomination in which you wish to worship. If you are Catholic, you would probably go to a Catholic church. If you are Greek Orthodox, you would probably go to a Greek Orthodox church. If you are a Protestant, you may go to the church of the denomination you were brought up in, but many Protestants change denominations for a whole range of reasons.

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Answer: The Roman Christian Church and its doctrines were created for political reasons (to support a failing Roman Empire) around 300 A.D.. Its descendants, the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant Church were all created for political reasons. These political creations upheld the "divine right of kings" and stripped people of what we now call "civil liberties" for centuries. Answer: there is always a relationship between government and religion.