

What are the benefits of fennel?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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Fennel can:

  1. Fight free radicals. Fennel contains its own unique combination of phytochemicals, including the flavonoids rutin, quercitin, and various kaempferol glycosides, that give it strong antioxidant activity. In addition to its unusual phytochemicals, fennel bulb is an excellent source of vitamin C, you body's primary water-soluble antioxidant, which can neutralize free radicals in all aqueous environments of your body. If left unchecked, these free radicals cause damage to your cells that can result in the pain and joint deterioration that occurs in conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Arthritis. Manganese in fennel is a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase, which disarms free radicals produced within the mitochondria (the energy production factories within your cells). Isorhamnetin in fennel leaves is a powerful antioxidant that protects your body's cells from damaging free radicals.
  2. Build strong bodies. The vitamin C in fennel bulb helps produce collagen, which builds strong bones, muscles, blood vessels, gums, mucous membranes, corneas, joints, and other supporting cells and tissues, helps you absorb iron and calcium. Potassium in fennel regulates muscle contraction and nerve transmission, stores carbohydrates for muscles to use as fuel, promotes regular muscle growth, and maintains the density and strength of bones by decreasing urinary calcium loss. Manganese in fennel activates enzymes for using several key nutrients, and facilitates protein and carbohydrate metabolism and formation of bone. Folate in fennel acts as a co-factor for enzymes involved in the synthesis of DNA, supports red blood cell production and helps prevent anemia, supports cell production, especially in your skin, allows nerves to function properly, helps prevent neural tube defects in fetuses, helps prevent osteoporosis-related bone fractures, and helps prevent dementias including Alzheimer's disease. Phosphorus in fennel helps in the formation of bones and teeth, helps you use carbohydrates and fats and synthesize protein, and helps with energy storage, muscle contraction, kidney function, and nerve conduction. Molybdenum helps in metabolizing fats and carbohydrates, mobilizing iron from your liver, which can prevent anemia, and preventing tooth decay.
  3. Fight chronic inflammation. The anethole in fennel can reduce inflammation and help prevent cancer, perhaps by shutting down an intercellular signaling system called tumor necrosis factor (or TNF)-mediated signaling. By shutting down this signaling process, the anethole in fennel prevents activation of a potentially strong gene-altering and inflammation-triggering molecule called NF-kappaB.
  4. Fight infections. The vitamin C in fennel bulb is kills pathogens and promotes a healthy immune system.
  5. Promote cardiovascular health. As a very good source of fiber, fennel bulb may help to reduce elevated cholesterol levels. In addition to its fiber, fennel is a very good source of folate, a B vitamin that converts a dangerous molecule called homocysteine into other, benign molecules. Homocysteine can directly damage blood vessel walls, and high levels are considered a significant risk factor for heart attack or stroke. Fennel is also a very good source of potassium, a mineral that regulates heart rythym and lowers blood pressure by counteracting the detrimental effects of sodium and regulating fluid balance. Isorhamnetin in fennel leaves is a powerful antioxidant that helps keep your heart healthy by preventing arteriosclerosis (hardening and loss of elasticity within the arteries), preventing high blood pressure, and protecting your heart's cells against oxidative damage.
  6. Prevent cancer. The vitamin C in fennel helps prevent cancer by neutralizing volatile oxygen free radical molecules and preventing damage to your DNA that can lead to cancer and by destabilizing a tumor's ability to grow under oxygen-starved conditions. Because fiber removes potentially carcinogenic toxins from your colon, fennel bulb may also prevent colon cancer. Folate in fennel lowers your risk of cancer by preventing build-up of homocysteine in your blood. Isorhamnetin in fennel leaves is a powerful antioxidant that prevents multiple types of cancer (including esophageal cancer, liver cancer, and lung cancer).
  7. Eliminate toxins. The volatile oil of fennel can protect your liver from toxic chemical injury. Molybdenum in fennel helps in eliminating toxic substances. The quercetin derivatives isoquercetin and rutin in fennel increase intestinal and liver phase I detoxification enzymes. Caffeoylquinic acids in fennel may also be responsible for its choleretic properities (increasing the volume bile and solids secreted from your liver).
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