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The similiaries are on the basis of a monothiestic foundation i.e. # Islam; One God (Allah in Arabic) # Judaism; One God, Yahweh # Christianity; One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit # Zoroastrianism; One God, Ahura Mazda, but a dualistic worldview in which an evil spirit, Angra Mainyu, is almost as powerful.

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they believe in different God but God is one

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Q: What are the similarities between Judaism Christianity Islam and Zoroastrianism?
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There are many similarities between Christianity and Zoroastrianism, but also some differences.Christians believe in God, whereas followers of Zoroastrianism believe in Ahura Mazda .In Christianity, Jesus has already come, born of a virgin. In Zoroastrianism, the Saoshyant is yet to come, and will be born of a virgin. Both will fight evil at the end times.Fire is sacred in Zoroastrianism, but not in Christianity. Orthodox followers of Zoroastrianism prefer neither to bury their dead in the sacred ground, nor cremate them.

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What are the similarities between Christianity Judaism Hinduism Buddhism and Islam?

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There really isn't a need for Christians to study Judaism as Christianity was based on the rejection of Judaism. One of the only similarities between the two religions is that the Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanach (Jewish Bible), however, the Christian OT was altered to support the teachings of Christianity.

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Belief in One God. Belief in the Law of God (excluding the sacrificial and cleansing laws). Belief in the Prophets.

How is the prayer service of Judaism and Christianity the same?

Christians worship the god of the old testament and Jesus. Jesus is worshipped by Christians as the son of GOd. This being said, other than both religions gather in groups to pray, there are no similarities in prayer services between Judaism and Christianity.

What are some similarities between Hinduism Judaism Zoroastrianism and Buddhism?

I think this is just too big a question for me. I will say that within each of these traditions there isn't one simple explanation to compare with the simple explanations in the other traditions.

What are major similarities between Judaism and Christianity?

They both claim their Abrahamic lineage through Isaac & Jacob. The Books in the Christian Old Testament are Sacred Scripture to Jews.