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I had some gauze packed in the side of my mouth when I woke up from the surgery (had all four removed) and disolvable stiches over the gaps where the teeth were. I didn't bled all that much from my teeth (although had a nose bleed from where the breathing tube was removed too quickly from my nose and ripped the skin inside! I took the gauze out after a day though.

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Q: What does oral surgeon pack socket with and stitch over after wisdom tooth removal?
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Is it possible to find a stitch years after wisdom teeth removal?

I think it depends on the surgeon. The sutures my surgeon used were designed to dissolve over time, which they did after a week or so (if I remember correctly).

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dont! it gave me dry socket! ouch!

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Wait at least 4 days in case you get a dry socket.

What if they forgot to remove a stitch from a wisdom teeth extraction?

Hi, It depends on what type of stitches your surgeon has used. Most surgeons use disolvable threads, I had mine which was a normal thread hence it dissolved on its own. So nothing to worry... if you still see stitches after two weeks its best to have em removed by the same surgeon. Normally your surgeon will recommend removal during one of your post surgical visits. Good Luck..! CD PS Dont forget to visit your surgeon once in three days for dressing. it pays..

After wisdom tooth removal is it normal for the dentist not to stitch the holes?

It all depends on the judgment of the dentist. Sometimes sutures are indicated, sometimes they are not. Placing sutures when they are not indicated can lead to potential complications.

Is it okay for food to remain in holes after wisdom removal?

No. Food building up in the socket or stitches will often cause an infection or 'dry socket'. This is a painful condition where the tissue of the gum fails to close over the bone area and leaves nerves exposed.

What percent of extractions cause dry socket?

It depends on who you ask. The literature on dry sockets after wisdom teeth extractions reports a range from 5-20% dry socket occurence. Most experienced oral surgeons will see fewer than 10% dry socket rate after wisdom teeth extractions. The biggest determining factor to risk is experience of the surgeon. Which means that newbies will have more dry sockets than seasoned surgeons.

Are wisdom teeth removal covered?

Under your Dental plan Yes, but if you trying to get your Medical plan to pay for it, it needs to be billed correctly by the Oral Surgeon and it may require a little of your time to appeal if they deny.

What is the normal wait on having wisdom teeth out mine are coming in and they hurt what is a normal wait time on having them out?

You don't have to wait any specific time. Visit your dentist and they will refer you to an oral surgeon so that you can schedule removal.

Can you dip tobacco 7 days after wisdom teeth removal?

I got mine out a couple months ago, I wouldn't do it until maybe two weeks. Considering on what exactly they did I would probably ask the dentist or oral surgeon.

Is it normal to have a stitch connected to your cheek after having wisdom teeth extracted?

Answer stitches in cheekI had my wisdom teeth taken out a week ago all my swelling has gone down and i have the same thing there is 1 stitch in my cheek so yes im pretty sure it is normal.

My teeth are crooked and crowded because my wisdom teeth are impacted. Will my teeth go back after getting my wisdom teeth removed?

I spoke to my oral surgeon about the crowding in my lower jaw that I believed to be caused by my wisdom teeth. He said that even with the extra space I would receive from the removal of my wisdom teeth, it would be unlikely that my teeth would move back into place. There was mention of being fitted for retainers and going to a different doctor who specialized in orthodontics.