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I think you're referring to the theory that the affliction was caused by the fungus Ergot that does have hallucinginc qualities. The Ergot was ingested accidentally along with wheat or rye, not taken deliberatly.

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Q: What drug was used during Salem which trials?
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Torture was no utilized for getting confessions during the Salem Witch Trials.

What does sporting mean in the Salem witch trials?

During the era the trials occurred during, sporting was used to mean fun. In reference to the trials, it was used by the opponents of the trials to express the possiblity that bored girls were lying about afflictions to have fun.

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I think you're thinking about witch PINS. These were used to prick a witch in several areas on their body. If they found a place where they did not react with pain, they were guilty.

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I believe that Gallows hill was used during the Salem witch trials. That was where the first witch Bridget Bishop was hung. All this occurred during the 1692-1693 time period. Look it up

Defense used in the salem witch trials?

Rebbecca Nurse was first to say that she was not a witch, but that "the devil was using their shape"

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The tests were in no way scientific

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None. That's a legend often used by novelists.

What did The Crucible by Arthur Miller have to do with the Salem witches?

During the trials, it meant absolutely nothing. The Crucible didn't exist. The Crucible, written in the 1950s, is very loosely based on the events of the trials and the author, Arthur Miller, used that loose basis to criticize the McCarthyists in the Senate.

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Burning is the European form of this sport. American victims were hanged.

What were the differences from the Salem witch trials to the Holocaust?

differencesSalem witch trials were accused for being witches and the Jews involving the holocaust were accused for their religion. EDIT:In Salem, the trials were caused by pure hysteria and panic and were legal precedings. The Holocaust was genocide and completely illegal everywhere but Nazi Germany.I always have to make this point when comparing the two: During the Holocaust, people were killed for what they were and at Salem, that was in no way the case.

When was mob mentality used in history?

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