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Because the weight of all this is on your husband's shoulders and he can form the words 'no' to cheating on you and it's HIS free will. The only time you can go after anything is if he leaves you for her, or files for divorce.

Here is a good story that should make you feel better. Back in the 1960s my father saw an ad in the paper where someone was selling a 60 foot yacht for $1,000 and my father considered it a misprint. I told my father to go see it out of curiosity (because he built smaller boats himself as a hobby ... cabin cruisers) and he refused to go. Well one of his friends at work didn't refuse; went and indeed this yacht sold for $1,000. Why? Because in the husband's Will he stated that he wanted his wife to sell the yacht and give the money to his MISTRESS! That the wife did! LOL Smart lady!


In some locales, there are laws regarding Alienation of Affection. However, it may not be worth your time or energy if there is no money to be had and you don't want him back anyway. See related link.

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Not any generally. She'd have to vandalize your property, assault you or something else criminal. You shouldn't be skirting around the real problem: your husband. You could come up with something real frivolous, but most likely upset the court for wasting time and you'd end up paying the court for it.


You can sue your husband's mistress for causing alienation of affection from your husband. This has actually been done in more than one state, and the wife has won.

The first wife to do this was Dorothy (Dot) Huddlemeyer (not sure of the spelling of her last name). She sued the woman who had an affair with her husband and won several million dollars in punitive damages. I don't remember what state this was in, but it was in one of the southern states.

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13y ago

it depends on your definition of harassment when comparing it to the legal definition. Legally, you would need to show that her behavior is intended for the sole purpose of threatening or disturbing your life. There is a lower burden of proof for a restraining order, which you can look into in your state to see what the individual qualifications are; every state is different. Stalking is another charge you can look into if her behavior is related to maliciously and repeatedly follwing you. if she is leaving you messages that say, "I have been with/ am with your husband... " I suggest divorce.

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7y ago

Alienation of Affection actions may be brought in six US states: Hawaii, North Carolina, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota and Utah. You should seek the advice of an attorney who specializes in family law if you live in one of those states. If not then you should place the blame where it belongs, on your husband, and sue him for divorce. He is the one who owed you a duty of fidelity.

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13y ago
  • No, you cannot sue the company your husband and mistress are working at because it is a private matter and does not have anything to do with the company in question.
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If you have proof of adultery, you can sue your husband for divorce. In the US, the days of suing a mistress for "alienation of affection" are gone. You cannot obtain a money judgment for emotional damages caused by your husband's infidelity. No judge will order the mistress to pay you.

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yea probaly u can sue anyone these days..... kidding but seriosly maybe u can

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The "mistress" need only claim that he said he was leaving you - which he probably did say - and she is free and clear of any wrong doing. No citizen of the United States is required to verify a person's marital status before dating them. You do have a contract with your husband, a marriage contract. You may sue him for divorce, and even sue him in general. Alienation of Affection was abolished by statute in Pennsylvania. See related link for a state list.

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No she can't. A mistress is a mistress: there for pretty much sex and nothing more. Marriage however is not only an intimate relationship but a legal contract between the husband and wife. The mistress is just a random third party. It would NEVER hold up in court because the mistress is helping the man cheat.

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