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Most fad diets don't have great success rates in the long run.

The simplest way to lose weight is to get more physical activity, and eat a healthy diet. Aim to eat more fruits and vegetables, and whole-grains instead of white bread. Cut out sodas, and drink lots of water. Candy and junk food like chips or fries are also not good. Try to get 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity per day (activities that get your heart pumping and make your breathing faster).

If you are really serious about losing weight, talk to your doctor and see if s/he can help you plan a way to lose weight that works well for you.

Remember, you didn't get chubby overnight so you won't loose it overnight. Stick to it, drink lots of water and just walk a lot at first to get your breathing up there. If you don't' notice any change after a month of eating better and exercising, go see a doctor, you may have a health issue. Don't mess with the over the counter diet aids, they are horrible for your health and can damage your organs, that are still growing. Keep at it, find something active to do that's fun and keep moving, you will be where you want to be soon enough.

Keep track of body mass as apposed to pounds. Body mass is more important to your health than a pant size. Don't be discouraged at first, just work at a healthier you.

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You have to know that there is NO healthy way to lose weight in that short amount of time. The healthy amount to lose for a week is one pound.

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The best way to lose weight is to eat a well balanced diet and maintain a good exercise routine. Rapid weight loss is not healthy.

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