

What is an English dialect?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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A dialect is a way of speaking that varies from place to place. One English dialect that is well known is "Southern." In that dialect, you might say "y'all" instead of "you all" or "you." Some people might just see minor changes as regionalisms, but larger group dialects, like American English vs British English would consistently be recognized.

the answer above of course applies to "American English" I believe that the person who asked this question would be more interested as to the different dialects that are spoken in Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most people from Great Britain have a knack to almost pinpoint the region as to the dialect spoken.

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What is dialect and where might you find it?

All human language is in dialect. Go to New England, in America, to hear a strong local dialect. Or better, go to Scotland, where they speak the Anglic dialect of English, now called Scots, along with the Saxon dialect, now called English.

Why is the English dialect dominant today?

The English language became dominant due to historical events like British colonialism, globalization, and the role of the United States as a superpower. Its widespread use in trade, science, technology, and entertainment has also contributed to its dominance.

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