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Amebic Dysentery

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Q: What is caused by one celled parasite entamoeba histolytica?
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What is the definition of 'ameobic dysentry'?

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What is the infectious intestinal disease caused by the one celled parasite entamoeba histolytica called?

Amebic Dysentery also known as amebiasis, is transmitted by food or water that is contaminated due to poor sanitary conditions.

Infectious intestinal disease caused by the one-celled parasite Entamoeba histolytica?

Amebic Dysentery, also known as Amebiasis which is transmitted by food or water that is contaminated due to poor sanitary conditions source: introduction to medical terminology second ed. page 190, table 8.1

Is Entamoeba histolytica gram positive or gram negative?

Bacteria are gram positive and gram negative (which means if you apply Gram stain to them, they either pick up the color (positive) or they do not (negative). Entamoeba Hystolytica is not a bacteria, it is a protozoa (one celled organism) that usually causes diarrhea and can be diagnosed from a stool sample and treated with drugs.

This sexually transmitted disease is caused by a single-celled protozoan parasite and can usually be cured with the prescription drug metronidazole.?


Is a malarial parasite a single celled organism?


Is the malaria parasite a single celled protozoan?

no it is not but many believe it is.......

What KINGDOM would a one-celled parasite belong to?


What KINGDOM would a one celled parasite belong to?

animal kingdom

What are the characteristics of parasites?

the characteristics of a parasite are they r single celled and the fart.

What is a tiny single celled parasite?

trypanosoma that causes sleeping disease

A tiny one celled animal with a changable body outline that causes a serious type of dysentery?

A parasite is a tiny one celled animal with a changeable body outline that causes a type of dysentery. The disease can also be caused by fleas, worms, ticks, and lice.