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Q: What is feminine equivalent of the word comedian?
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What is the feminine and masculine of comedian?

A male comedian is called a comedian. A female is called a comedienne. Though often a female is also called a comedian.

Is the word 'cousine' feminine or masculine in french?

'une cousine' is a feminine noun.the equivalent for a male cousin is 'un cousin'.

What is the English word 'dead' in French in the feminine?

Morte is a feminine equivalent of the English word "dead."Specifically, the French word is an adjective that is formed from the past participle of the infinitive mourir. The pronunciation is "mohrt." The masculine equivalent, mort, is pronounced "mohr."

What is a feminine husband called?

If you mean the feminine equivalent of husband the word you are looking for is wife.

What is masculine of comedian?

"Comedian" is the masculine. "Comedienne" is the female equivalent.

What is the word 'guineas' in Italian?

The feminine noun 'ghinee' is an Italian equivalent of 'guineas', of which the Italian equivalent of the singular is 'ghinea'.

What is a feminine gender of comedian?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female, such as male and female.The noun comedian is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female who performs comedy.The gender specific noun for a female is comedienne.

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'pure'?

Pura in the feminine and puro in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "pure".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. The feminine equivalent is pronounced "POO-ra". The masculine equivalent will be pronounced "POO-ro".

Is al feminine?

The Spanish word "al" is masculine. It is a combination of the words "a" (to, at) + "el" (the, masc. sing.).

What is the feminine equivalent of the French word 'sanglier'?

The feminine equivalent of the French word 'sanglier' is 'laie,' which refers to a female wild boar.

What is 'victory' in Latin?

Victoria is the Latin equivalent of 'victory'. The Latin word is a feminine gender noun. From it comes the feminine first name, Victoria.

What is 'mista' when translated from Italian to English?

"Mixed" is an English equivalent of the Italian word mista. The word serves as a feminine singular adjective. The pronunciation will be "MEE-sta" in Italian.