

What is octet configuration?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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11y ago

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Octet configuration refers to how elements generally prefer to form bonds so as to attain an octet configuration, i.e. have 8 electrons in their valence shell.

For example, chlorine (Cl) is from Group VII and has 7 valence electrons. It will gain one electron (eg from sodium which loses one electron to form Na+) to form Cl-, which has 8 valence electrons and so fulfills the octet rule and is stable. The electronic configuration of sodium is 2.8.1 (if you're in secondary school), or 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1 (more advanced). So by losing one electron to form Na+, sodium also attains octet configuration.

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The electronic configuration of Argon (Ar) is - 8,8,8 because its in group 8 and is inert because it has a full octet. Happy to help ;)

What do you mean by octet and duplet?

In chemistry, the octet and duplet rules are part of electronic configuration. The octet rule is when the outermost shell has 8 valence electrons. The duplet rule is when the outermost shell has 2 valence electrons, e.g. Helium and Hydrogen.

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It forms an octet / stable electronic configuration

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Does lithium follow the octet rule?

Sort of. Lithium loses one electron in order to achieve the noble gas configuration of helium, which has only two valence electrons in its 1s sublevel. The octet rule refers to the fact that atoms share or transfer electrons in order to achieve a noble gas configuration with eight valence electrons, called an octet. Helium is an exception to the rule.

What is the statement of an atom when most stable when it has eight electrons in its outermost energy level?

One of these choices are your ansewr: * Octave * Balance * Valance * Octet