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Yes, they are two different plants. Maize is also known as corn.

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16y ago

a pee seed is docotone while a corn seed is a monocot

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Q: What is the Difference between pea seed and maize grain?
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Why do you not use the term maize fruit and maize seed?

The maize grain is actually a fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective layer. Such a fruit is termed as grain or seed .therefore, we call it as maize seed instead of maize fruit

Is maize grain a seed or fruit?

Maize grain is actually both a seed and a fruit. From a botanical standpoint, each kernel is a complete fruit containing the seed embryo and a comparatively large amount of starch, all contained within a caryopsis.

What is the difference between a seed and a grain?


What is the difference between grains and vegetable?

No and yes. Grains are all types of crop plants that originate from the seed of the plant. Rice, maize, wheat etc. There is a certain amount of cross-over as maize is considered by most as both a vegetable and a grain

Why maize grain is a fruit but not seed?

Cereals, grains, or cereal grains are grasses (members of the monocot families Poaceae or Gramineae).Maize is a monocotyledon (monocot) it is a grain not a fruit.The kernel of maize is often referred to as the seed and can be refered to as a fruit. The cob is close to a multiple fruit in structure, except that the individual fruits (the kernels) never fuse into a single mass.

What are examples of the sentence?

Kernel refers to the inner part of a grain or seed that is usually edible. An example in a sentence: John eat the kernel of the maize seed.

What are the examples of kernel sentence?

Kernel refers to the inner part of a grain or seed that is usually edible. An example in a sentence: John eat the kernel of the maize seed.

Is popcorn a fruit or a vegi?

Popcorn is a Vegetable; the kernel is the seed of the corn plant.

What is a flowering plant that produces seeds with one seed leaf and stored food?

The grain of wheat or maize or any other cereal

What is the difference between fertilisation and germination?

fertilisationis when the pollen grain joins the ovum germinationis when a seed starts to grow in to a new plant

What shows the position of the embryo in maize seed?

Being a monocotyledon maize seed has straight embryo

What is a pulse beetle?

It is a pest of gram, mung, peas, lentil, red gram, cotton seed, sorghum and maize. Young grub bores into the grain eat up the grain kernel and completes the development.