

What is the constitution of india?

Updated: 11/26/2020
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13y ago

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The Constitution of India was put into action on 26 January, 1950. It is the longest constitution in the world.

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How many articles are there in the constitution of India?

There are 395 articles in the constitution of India

What is the difference between the Constitution of India and South Africa?

constitution of India is not changed .while the constitution of South Africa has changed.

Which country has the largest constitution in the world?

The country of India has the longest constitution in the world. It has over 118 amendments with over 444 articles.

When did India adopt its constitution?

We require constitution for India so that their is a smooth running of government to run a society without problems and corruption.And to have unity in diversity.It creates a good society. And limits the powers of the government.

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First Amendment of the Constitution of India happened in 1951.

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Who has the final authority to interpret the Constitution of India?

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