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When we say that a species is indigenousto a place, we mean simply that it occurs there naturally. It is a native. But a species can be indigenous to a number of places at once.

In contrast, if we say a species is endemic to a place, we mean that it occurs naturally only in that place. It is a native to an exclusive or limited area. It is not widely distributed, and won't be found naturally anywhere else.

This means that an indigenous plant grows in nearly all the continents while endemic means in a pacific country.

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12y ago

An exotic plant is a plant which exists within an exotic ecosystem (tropical region) and an invasive plant is one which takes nutrients and soil space away from other plants in order to establish it's self and take over the area. Sometimes, when exotic plants are in a non-exotic region, they can act as an invasive species and throw off the ecology of the indigenous species in the ecosystem. An example of an invasive plant would be Kudzu, a native plant to Southeast Asia, which acts as an invasive species in the US.

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14y ago

Indigenous plants are plants that are native to a region or a country, while exotic plants are those that have been introduced into the country/ region in recent time by people colonising or moving through the region. Endemic plants are indigenous plants that are particular to a very specific region within a country or biome.

There is a slight problem with regards to the definition; this is where does one draw the line between with respect to "when" a plant was introduced. By all accounts one accepts that up till about 20,000 years ago humans had not started extensively migrating or exploring the "known world" due to the lack of intercontinental transport. From about 5,000 BC onwards there were more "civilized" human settlements, people began moving around more freely for various reasons (searching for raw materials, trade, war and conquest). During this time farming and the cultivation of plants had become more evolved and refined; people started to see the use in carrying seed and plants with them when they moved.

Through the middle ages and into the late 19th century (with more organised "voyages of exploration") European explorers moved around the world collecting and moving plants and animals (returning them to Europe in most cases) - this time was probably the main time when species were moved en mass between continents - and also the time when some of the biggest mistakes were made with regards to introducing exotic species as people had little understanding of the long-term effects of introducing exotic species into new environments (e.g. the introduction of rabbits and camels into Australia), introduction of wattle and other acacia plant species into South Africa, the introduction of rats and cats onto St. Helena Island.

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9y ago

An endemic species should be found in a certain environment and an exotic species should not be found there. For example, robins should be found near Chicago but a person should never find a tiger in a back yard in Chicago.

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