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Answer 1This may be valid in developed countries as in the European Union and the Us as those countries are not in no much need of more energy as well as they they succeeded in increasing the life time of their nuclear power plants from 40 to 60 years. However, in other countries as China, India, South Korea, Countries of Eastern Europe, Russia, Middle East countries there are lots on nuclear power plants under construction at a high rate. Answer 2Additionally, many developed countries are afraid of the types of nuclear meltdown that Chernobyl and Fukushima have made famous. Answer 3The Chernobyl nuclear accident consequences were exaggerated in the eyes of developing countries just to distract them from adopting nuclear power programs. Ukraine where Chernobyl accident happened has 15 operating nuclear power plants and two under construction. The Japan earthquake that happened in March 2011 was the strongest in Japan history and was accompanied by more than 14 meter high Tsunami that resulted in 20 thousands victims and the loss of external power as well as the emergency diesel and the emergency batteries. The reactor did not break as well as the concrete containment and there was no above limits radiation exposures to the public. There was no reactor victims except two that died because of the tsunami.
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Q: What is the main reason for the world wide slowdown in the construction of nuclear power plants?
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What is the largest power station in the US?

At the moment, the largest operating nuclear generation station is Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, Canada. It has 6 units online out of 8 and is producing 4,640 MW, two more untis are being restarted and when they come back online in 2010 the capacity for Bruce Power will be 7,276 MW. The largest nuclear reactor station ever constructed is the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, but it was shut down in 2007 due to earthquake damage.

What are some ways in which nuclear energy maybe used more efficiently and economically in the Caribbean?

I don't see any reason to think nuclear energy could be used more efficiently there than elsewhere

How is energy manufactured?

Right now, coal and nuclear plants are the main sources of power. There are currently many efforts to shift this to renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy, solar energy, etc. The main reason for why renewable energy sources are currently not the main source is because their output cannot be adjusted during peak hours or other times of higher demand. In many cases, renewable energy plants are more expensive to operate as well. As for non-renewable energy sources, coal and nuclear plants can simply adjust their output during peak hours. The wind may die down or a storm may block the sun during peak hours, reducing the effectiveness of renewable power.

What do nuclear power plants do with their waste products?

Nuclear waste can be divided into two types, high level, and low level. Low level nuclear waste is materials that have been exposed to nuclear materials, such as tritiated water, pieces of contaminated clothing, contaminated tools, materials that have been in the nuclear reactor or with the high level waste, earth that has had contaminated water soak into it, and so on. Some of these are stored at the plant, and others are shipped off to low level waste storage facilities. They are separated according to need. Some may need to be stored for a period of decades or centuries while the materials in them decays, and others may need to be stored for centuries. High level waste needs to cool off before anything can be done with it, so when it is removed from a reactor, it is put into a spent fuel pool where it is cooled with water while the short term isotopes in it decay to the point that they do not give off too much heat. This takes several years. At that point, the waste may be moved to what is called dry cask storage, where it is held until someone decides what to do with it on a more permanent basis. Some countries allow waste to be reprocessed and some do not. The United States does not, and since no one has figured out how to store waste over a long term, the waste accumulates at the plants that produced it. This is not a good solution because the plants are nearly all sitting on the shore or on river or lake banks, where they are exposed to some degree. The French have been very aggressive with reprocessing nuclear waste, and do it for a number of other countries. This is fine, except that the reprocessing has its own set of possibilities of disaster, the very reason the United States does not allow reprocessing. There are technologies being developed, such as energy amplifiers or accelerator driven systems, that may be able to use the nuclear waste as an energy source, reducing it to radiologically inert material in the process. We do not know if this will work.

How can hybridization be overcome?

If this is an unwanted out come, plants should not be planted next to other plants that you don't want to cross. However, the seed from a corn cross will be fine from the yield point of view. What is the reason to change the hybrid? If a farmer wants a purebred crop, he should only buy pure seed from the distributor.

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Why aren't there more nuclear power plants?

The reason is that there are many people around the world who are uneducated in the nuclear power field and therefore still assume the stereotypical nuclear meltdown or mutations will occur and as such, oppose their construction vehemently. Also, it is quite expensive to develop and build such plants.

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Where is the nuclear energy used the most and why?

The USA uses the most nuclear energy. There is the highest number of Nuclear Power Plants in the world. The reason is simple: USA needs energy and the easiest way to get it is building nuclear power plants.

Why India need nuclear power plan?

The same reason as the other countries that have nuclear power plans. Firstly to show off power. The other reason : Fear. Not even for energy generation, nuclear capability is justified due to the high risk that nuclear power plants represent.

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There is a long term slowdown in the birthrate.

Why does Japan have Nuclear Power plants?

Japan has nuclear power plants for the same reason that other countries have them - they need the power - and nuclear power has the lowest impact of all the various other options. It also happens that Japan is limited for space, having a large population in comparison to their land area. Nuclear power has a low requirement for infrastructure, such as oil or gas pipelines, transfer facilities for coal, etc. and it has a high density of output compared to real estate.

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its location

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Should we people use nuclear energy in the future?

I see no reason not to. At least keep the present 20 percent, by building new plants to replace old ones as required

Why do US uses nuclear power plants?

There are at least two reasons to have nuclear power plants. First off, they are used to produce electricity, which is used to provide homes and businesses with power, and also to provide ships with power for propulsion. Nuclear power was even once tested for powering aircraft. A second reason to have nuclear power plants is to make isotopes that do not occur in nature. These may be used for the purpose of making nuclear bombs. They are often also used for making nuclear tracers for medical testing, for treatment, or for special chemical purposes, such as causing special types of phosphorescent pigments to glow. This last use was much more common in the 1920's through the middle of the 1940's, when no one knew that radioactivity was so dangerous; nevertheless, there are certain applications for which its use continues. A third reason to have a nuclear power plant, though it might not be used in the United States, is to produce heat for other purposes, such as desalinization.

What reason for the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 was to?

does anyone know???

Does New Zealand use nuclear power?

New Zealand is not against nuclei themselves, for we have several here. We do not consider the world is improved by nuclear weapons. Several 'nuclear powers' have been attacked, Israel, Russia, India, USA, UK but there has been no evidence of the 'nuclear deterrence'.