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The most importants events in music history would be- 1. When Thomas Edison invented the phonograph making music available as recordings, allowing different forms of music to be heard, and allowing musicians who couldn't read music to learn by ear, effectively ending the reign of Classical Music.

2. The Slave trade, discovery of the new world, formation of America, and Immigration to the united states, all allowed for many different kinds of musical cultures to mix and be heard on record (see above). Before this, different kinds of music can be traced back to different cultures throughout time, the only kind that we know alot about today being orchestra music which was pretty dominate because, it was the only music loud enough to be heard in big halls, and it could be written down in musical notation for other musicians to learn, so that today we know exactly what Mozart composed hundreds of years ago. This naturally was a setback in that it favored richer, higher social class elites, as many people at the time didn't even know how to read language, let alone music.

3. After all this mixing of musical cultures in the first half of the 20th century was the big bang of music, known as rock and roll, a mixture of all musical genres to form one new big genre, from which all subsequent genres derive from in heritage.

4. Rock and roll had a major setback in 1959 when the Buddy Holly Plane crashed.

5. but in 1964 the beatles and other british invasion bands brought rock and roll back and changed music forever.

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