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They could wage only a limited war, plus most U.S soldiers in Vietnam were young and inexperienced.

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Q: What kept the United States troops from defeating the Viet Cong?
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What kept us troops from defeating the viet cong?

They were trying to fight a guerrilla war using conventional tactics.

What kept us troops from defeating the viet cong quickly?

They were trying to fight a guerrilla war using conventional tactics.

The soliders of which nation committed the MY Lai massacre?

The united states mistakingly killed them thinking they were viet cong

Why were the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese army tactics effective against the United States?

Persistence and determination was their secret.

What is the NLF?

National Liberation Front is the politically correct name for the Viet Cong. A group opposed by the United States

What did American troops use during the Vietnam War to kill plant?

During the Vietnam War, the United States military deployed the "Rainbow Herbicides" in Vietnam, and parts of Cambodia and Laos in an effort to deprive the NVA and Viet Cong of cover. The most prolific of these was Agent Orange.

What were the sides in vietnam?

The Vietnam War was fought in North and South Vietnam. The main belligerents were the South Vietnamese and the United States against the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.

How did the tet offense impact American perceptions of the Vietnam war?

Support for the war in the United States lessened because Americans realized that the Viet Cong were still strong.

How did the Tet offensive impact American perception of the Vietnam War?

Support for the war in the United States lessened because Americans realized that the Viet Cong were still strong.

Who where the Viet Cong?

The Vietcong was a political organization and army in South Vietnam and Cambodia that fought the United States and South Vietnamese governments during the Vietnam War (1955-1975).

How many troops did both sides have during the war?

The United States had up to 536,000 'in country' in Vietnam in 1968 - 69. Thousands more were on ships off the coast or at airbases in Thailand and Philippines. The size of the South Vietnamese Army is unclear but Wikipedia shows 850,000. The Viet Cong strength was probably never more than 500,000. The North Vietnamese Army was about 350,000 to 400,000.

What were the communists who fought US troops in South Vietnam called?

The VC lived in the South; the NVA came from the north. Viet Cong & North Vietnamese Army