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In the small intestine of digestive system the lipids are emulsified by the action of bile from liver.

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The liver produces a secretion known as bile that emulsifies fats.

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Q: What thing help in emulsification of fats?
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Why must gallbladder release bile?

Bile contains bile slats that help in the process of emulsification of fats without which fats cannot be digested. emulsification of fats also increases the surface area of the fat malecules for lipase to act on.

What is define micro emulsification?

solidification of fats

In biology emulsification of fats take place in the of what?


What occurs during emulsification?

Bile salts break up fats into smaller fats

Why is emulsification of fats is necessary?

Emulsification of fats is necessary because a fat globule has large surface area for enzymes to act upon it. Emulsification reduces the surface area and then more enzymes can act upon it and thus can produce more energy.

What Emulsification agent helps to digest fat?

bile is the emulsification agent that helps to digest fats.

Where is the bile produce which components of food does it help to digest?

it is produced in the helps breaking fats into smaller bits called emulsification of fat.

What is the process by which fats get broken into smaller drops?

You might be thinking of homogenization or emulsification.

What is emcification?

Did you mean emulsification in biological process the word means , the big droplets of fats gets digested in the small intestine this process is known as emulsification .

Where does fat digest?

Fats is digested in the duodenum by the bile salts. The process is called emulsification.

Chemical that breaks down fats into small droplets and helps neutralize stomach acids?

Bile juice does the digestion or emulsification of fats.

What does the liver do in your digestion system?

The liver produces bile for the emulsification of lipids (break down the fats).