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Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Satanism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism all worship the same God, but Mormonism believes that the God head (which is the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) are three different gods, so Mormons can be considered polytheists. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that recognizing the meaning of the name and sovereignty of Jehovah (Jehovah is another name for God) is more important than the salvation of man where as Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Mormonism all focus on trying to be saved. Islam and Judaism do not recognize the God head, both religions unlike Christianity say that Jesus was not the son of God but that he was just a prophet and a good person. Islam also states that Abraham and Jesus and all Christians and Jews before the time of Muhammad were Muslims and that Judaism before the time of Muhammad was the first sect of Islam an that Christianity was the second sect of Islam, the Koran (the Muslim holy book) states that those two religions (Judaism and Christianity) were created to lead up to Gods master plan to save man. Judaism believes that (like Islam) Jesus was not the son of God but a prophet and that the Messiah that God promised them still has not come to earth. Satanism is the belief that Satan was the creator of man and the universe and that Satan is not evil (all religions that worship God state that Satan was once and angel but he rebelled against God and God caste him into the pits of hell where Satan and all of the angels that followed him stay for all eternity and where all people that are not saved go when they die) but good (if you want to see a satanic black mass go on youtube and type in satanic black mass, note that the black mass vidoe on youtube is a church of the dead black mass, church of the dead satanists like God worshiping religions state that Satan evil and they state each other in the church of the dead as brothers and sisters of the abyss). Hinduism is the only major world religion that still worship gods instead of God, they have two basic gods Vishnu (called Vishnu the destroyer) and Shiva (called Shiva the preserver).

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There are multiple religions that worship God or other gods. Here are some of them: Cristian, Catholic, Mormon, or Buddhism.

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Polytheism is the belief in many pagan or false Gods, like Greek mythology.

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A:To me, worship is how people of different religions believe they communicate with their God or gods. While I may believe there really is no God or gods for them to communicate with, I know they have the absolute right to worship as they choose. When present in a place holy to members of any religion, I treat that place with respect.

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There is no real answer to this. Christians worship God and Jesus and Hindus worship a plethora of gods, one god, or no gods at all.

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God doesn't worship anyone because he is the creator himself...but its important that we worship him.

How do you you know whom to worship and whom not to?

Whom you should worship and whom you should not worship depends on your religious affiliation. For example, if you are a Jew or a Muslim, you should worship God (or Allah) and no one else. If you are a Christian, you should worship God and Jesus but no one else. If you are a Zoroastrian, you should worship Ahura Mazda and no one else. Some religions have several gods, all of whom you should normally worship. Your religious leaders or your scriptures would give you advice on which gods to worship. The Dao religion has its own gods, but fully accepts the worship of any other God or gods that you wish to worship. Ask God to guide you to the . He will.