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the right to enforce federal lawa, including the clloection of protective tariffs.

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The rights to enforce Federal Laws, including the collection of protective tariffs

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Q: What rights were granted to the federal government by force bill?
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What right was granted to the federal government by the force bill?

The federal government was granted the right to enforce federal laws, including the collection of protective tariffs. This was a power the federal government had not held before.

Group that failed to block the central government they feared but did force the promise of a bill of rights?

The anti-federalists (they were against (anti) the federal government)

Is the U.S Air force a federal government job?

Yes the U.S Air force is federal government job.

What power did the civil war question?

The Civil War raised the question of states' rights. The power of the federal government to make laws affecting the states and territories, and the power of the federal government to force states to remain in the union, were key ideas.

Can a state force the federal government to lesve?

You cannot force the U.S. government to leave in the U.S. government. But if the state has a big enough army, with force, it could overtake by force the the U.S. government.

What was the group that wanted the federal government to force change in the south?

Radical Republicans wanted the Federal Governenment To force change in the South

How the federal government asserted its power in the West?

the Federal Government asserted the power in the west by using force to stop the Whisky Rebellion.

How was the Whiskey Rebellion a vitctory for the federal government?

This was an example of the federal government's new power, under George Washington. Previously the Articles of Confederation left the federal government useless due to the states' rights supporters. Though the Whiskey Rebellion was not an extremely large rebellion, Washington sent a large military force to put it down, showing its new power.

What did the federal government force the native American Indians to do?

Have a tea party

What was the most important force behind Americas economic prosperity after the war?

the federal government

How did the European states come to dominate China's economy during the mid 19th century?

By creating spheres of influence in Chinese territory that granted them special trading rights.

Which one is the theory of government only one focuses on protecting the rights of the governed?
