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The English Bill of Rights was an important document. It listed the first 10 amendments to the united states constitution. It was created to list the natural rights of liberty in order to keep justice. Without it, we probably, as a state, would not be in order right now, and there would be mayhem.

-6th grade, straight A student

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Q: What was the English Bill of rights and why was it so important?
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Why was the English bill of rights so important?

It is important because it states all of every one's basic freedoms.

Why was the English bill of rights important to the English citizens?

The English Bill of Rights are so important because they protect our freedoms and liberties from the government. If there were no Bill of Rights, then the government would do whatever they wanted with America.

What enlightenment ideas are in the Bill of Rights?

The English Bill of Rights was before the Enlightenment so they are given as part of the English Bill of Rights.

Why do you suppose most states constitutions began with a bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights is important so people know what rights they have.

Why was the English Bill of Rights was important to colonists?

The Bill of Rights was important because it listed what rights the colonists should have that the government can't take away from them, which is what Britain did, so the colonists rebelled.

Why is the bill of rights so important American government?

It is important for citizens to know about the Bill of Rights because, the Bill of Rights is made up of the ten commandments:)

How has the English bill of rights influenced the rights guaranteed to Americans?

There is no such thing as "The English Bill of Rights". Are you referring to "Magna Carta" if so please ask the correct question.

How has the English bill of rights influence the American bill of right?

There is no such thing as "The English Bill of Rights". Are you referring to "Magna Carta" if so please ask the correct question.

Which Is More Important getting a new government or Proposing a bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights are the foundation of the new government, so they are equally important.

What enlightenment ideas did the English bill of right have?

The English Bill of Rights was before the Enlightenment so they weren't included as a philosophy.

Why were the Bill of Rights so important?

they are the outline of our government today.

Why was the bill of rights so important to history?

I was important to add the bill of rights to the constitution because if we did not we would not have our rights protected a citizens of the united states of america.