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The beginning of the cult of Heqet/Heket dates to the early dynastic period, which is thought to be just after the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt. This is thought to have happened around 3100 BC.

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Q: When did the ancient Egyptians begin worshipping the goddess Heqet?
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What did the god Heqet represent?

Heqet was the frog Goddess and represented fertility.

Who married the Egyptian goddess Heket?

Heqet was married to the god Khnum. That made sense to the Egyptians since Heqet was the goddess of human and Nile fertility and childbirth, and Khnum was the god of the source of the Nile and the 'creator of babies'. Khnum was however also sometimes romantically connected to the goddess Satet, yet another Nile deity.

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In Egyptian myth she never died.

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In Chapter 3 of "The Golden Goblet," Ranofer meets two new friends named Heqet and Ibni. Heqet is a kind girl who helps Ranofer when he is in trouble, and Ibni is a scribe who offers Ranofer an opportunity to work in his shop.

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How did heqet get her name?

Unknown, but Heqet in Egyptian it was written with the determinative frog.

Why were heqet and the ancient worried about ranofer and what did they do about it?

Heqet and the ancient gods were worried about Ranofer because he possessed the magical power to restore balance and order in the kingdom, which threatened the gods' authority. To prevent Ranofer from realizing his true potential, they tried to sabotage his journey and mislead him in order to maintain their control over the world.

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Mostly because the Egyptians believed cats to be a gate way to the spirit world or soul stealer, so to appease the cats the Egyptians pampered them and worshiped them like gods. These cats were the same size as modern day house cats.

How is the Greek goddess Hecate connected to Greek and Egyptian mythology?

Hecate is a Greek Goddess, though a Titan born of Perses and Asteria.The Egyptian goddess of fertility/children, Heqet (also Heqat, Hekit, Heket, Hegit, Heget) was considered a counterpart to Hecate.

Where does ranofer go with heqet?

Ranofer and Heqet go to the tomb of Queen Tuya to retrieve the hidden gold.