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When you can't breathe.

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Q: When should you go to the hospital for an allergic reaction?
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Why are you getting hives on your chest and throwing up?

It is most likely an allergic reaction, but you should definitely go to the hospital!

After 14 years of food allergies is your body free from them?

You can grow out of food allergies. But to tell for sure you should see a Dr. and get a scratch test done. You should not chance it and eat something you are allergic to you could have an allergic reaction and have to go to the hospital.

If you have taken aspirin and are allergic what should you do?

induce vomiting somehow or go to the hospital

Sun spot on your face but recently a white circle appeared around it what is it should you be worried?

it might be an allergic reaction, or maybe insect bite, i dont think you need to be worried, but i think you should see a doctor, and if your throat starts swelling i suggest you go to the hospital asap, as may be and serve allergic reaction to food. ex. nuts, dairy.

Should you go to school after an allergic reaction?

No, you shouldn't because there is a slight chance that it may come back within the next 3 days you symptoms of an allergic reaction happened. However it is okay to go after the 3 days but you must be careful what you eat at school. And also you should go see an allergen to know what your exactly allergic to.

Who Should NOT Get Vaccinated?

✔An allergic reaction is considered severe when a person needs to be treated with epinephrine or EpiPen© or if they must go to the hospital. Experts refer to severe allergic reactions as anaphylaxis. ✔Learn about common side effects of COVID-19 vaccines and when to call a doctor. ✔An immediate allergic reaction means a reaction within 4 hours of getting vaccinated, including symptoms such as hives, swelling, or wheezing (respiratory distress).

Can you be allergic to penicillin and not amoxicillin?

No, If you have a confirmed allergy to one penicillin you will more than likely be allergic to all other penicillins. Amoxicillin is an example of an aminopenicillin. When you say that you have an allergy you should have had a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction to a penicillin. Meaning basically that it was bad enough to go the the hospital. If you experienced mild GI upset you may of not had an allergic reaction. You should consult you local pharmacist or discuss with you physician the types of reactions that you have had and they can make the best judgment of whether or not you have a penicillin allergy.

What allergic reaction is deadly?

u dumb*** go to a doctor

What is the allergic reaction to Noxzema?

you can get break outs and some type of swelling happening. you can get break outs and turn red. yeah you have to go to the hospital but it is just like ingredients that are in clean and clear. so if you are allergic to anything in clean and clear dont recommend Noxzema.

What do you do if you have a bumpy allergic reaction?

Find out what the bumps were caused by. then go to the doctor.

How do i know if i am allergic to cats although i haven't been in the past?

You should go to a pet store... Pet a cat... See if you have an alergic reaction.

What is the treatment for choking?

If choking is due to allergic reaction or infection, people should summon emergency help or go immediately to an emergency room.