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no where except on an American military base

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Q: Where can I buy American chewing tobacco in London?
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Where can you buy chewing tobacco online?

Lancaster, pa

Can fourteen year old teenagers legally buy chewing tobacco?

You have to be eight teen to buy any tobacco.

Where in Iowa can you buy stokers chewing tobacco?

Gibsons in wheatherford sells it

How can you make chewing tobacco I was in USA and i bought chewing tobacco but i live in country where you can't buy this product and now i am out of it so i need someone to tell me the recipe?

Tobacco plant + twist leaves into "ropes"+dry for several weeks.

Can you buy chewing tobacco in Italy?

i hope to god i can or me an an my buddy will surely die, bromance

Can you buy with American money if you are in London?

You can't buy things in London with American money.

How can you get your dad to quit chewing tobacco altogether?

Get him to visit his doctor, or alternatively, buy him nicotine patches. But basically chewing tobacco is the same as smoking and can lead to mouth cancers. However, I don't think he will stop unless he wants to, so perhaps best talk to him about how he feels.

How do you make chewing tobacco?

Take all the tobacco out of a ciggarette Then soak it for 3 to4 hours in your favorite listerene then drain the listerene and your tobacco is ready for chewing

Where can you buy bugler tobacco?

American Snuff Company which is a division of Reynolds American .

Does an American in London need a prescription to buy insulin?


Can you buy chewing tobacco in Russia?

Definitely. Actually, I flew this spring to Russia and chewed on the plane, but if you're bringing it on the plane make sure it's in your carry on=) Good Luck