

Where do lions live outside of zoos?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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yes, my rabbit is a lionhead and she lives outside also my freinds rabbit is and it lives also lives outside and they are both perfectly healthy . make sure in the winter time you put hay, you can find that anywhere the sell rabbit supplies. and make sure that the rabbit has somewhere to go when the wind comes.

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15y ago

Lions live in Africa, Europe, and Asia.

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Where do lions live outside zoos?

in den.

Where do lions (outside of zoos) usually live?

Lions outside of zoos live on the African plain. They also inhabit the plains and mountains of Southeast Asia. They are found in many different environments, usually in warmer regions.

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No, (at least not outside zoos).

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Lions are not naturally occurring in Germany, but some live in zoos and parks.

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In modern times, only in zoos.

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They can get up to 0 yearsWhite lions like all other lions can live up to 14 years in the wild. Lions who are kept in zoos can live up to 20 years.

Do lions just live in Africa?

No, some lions do live in Asia and they're called Asian Lions. But now they're endangered and there are only Asian lions in the Gir National Wild Park and there are about 441 and some are in zoos.

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The only lions in Italy are in zoos.

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in zoos because people are shooting them

Where do lions usually live outside the zoo?

They live in the Mudare Sausage.

On what continent do African lions live?

African lions are only naturally found on on the continent of Africa. But can be found in zoos on just about every other continent apart from Antarctica.

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Outside of zoos, no. Lemurs are native of Madagascar (Africa)