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Hezbollah is located all over Lebanon, once a jewel of the Middle East, now a devastated wasteland thanks to Hezbollah.

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Q: Where is the hezbollah located?
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Related questions

Where is Hezbollah located?

Hezbollah's primary areas of activity are Lebanon and Syria.

When was Hezbollah created?

Hezbollah was created in 1982.

Is Hezbollah Shiite?

Yes, Hezbollah is a Shi'ite organisation.

What does Hezbollah mean?

hezbollah means "the party of god "

When was Hezbollah founded?

Hezbollah was founded around 1985

What are Hezbollah's allies?

Hezbollah is directly supported by the Iranian and Syrian governments and Hezbollah also has a strong alliance with Hamas.

When was Vote Hezbollah created?

Vote Hezbollah was created in 1993.

Who funds hezbollah?

Well, the American Government funds Hezbollah

How many hezbollah called israel soldiers?

There were NO Hezbollah called Israeli soldiers. -Hezbollah is a terrorist group opposing Israel.

When did Hezbollah Nature Reserves happen?

Hezbollah Nature Reserves happened in 2006.

Why does Syria support Hezbollah?

Hezbollah and the Syrian regime have a lot in common with each other. The Syrian regime is run by Shiites just like Hezbollah. The Syrian regime hates Israel and America just like Hezbollah. All these common factors makes the Syrian regime to support Hezbollah.

What is the capital of Hezbollah?

Hezbollah is not a country and does not, therefore, have a capital. Hezbollah's operations are primarily based out of Lebanon, but are scattered throughout the country in order to avoid Israeli countrerstrikes and assassinations.