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* All US states allow wage garnishment for creditor debt with the exception of Pennsylvania, South Carolina, North Carolina and Texas (depending upon the debtor's circumstances). All US states allow income garnishment for child support, tax arrearages and in some states spousal support (alimony).

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Q: Which US states allow wage garnishment?
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Can workers compensation disability be garnished for spousal support?

It depends upon the laws of the state in which the beneficiary of the disability award resides. Some states allow for such garnishment, some do not, but all US states allow disabililty garnishment when it relates to child support obligations.

Can your wages be garnished for medical?

Yes, if the creditor sues the debtor and receives a judgment award the judgment can in the majority of US states be executed as a wage garnishment.

Can your wages be garnished for medical debt?

Yes, if the creditor sues the debtor and receives a judgment award the judgment can in the majority of US states be executed as a wage garnishment.

How do you stave off wage garnishment on loans secured by a theft of your identity?

In the US, if you have student loans in garnishment, you can rahabilitate them for 12 months or you can consolidate them.

In which US states can wages not be garnished?

In certain states your wages cannot be garnished for certain liabilities. For instance, if you owe taxes, they will garnish your wages, if you owe child support and have been a deadbeat parent, they will garner your wages, however, there are some jurisdictions that will not garnish your wages for certain unsecured debt. More input from FAQ Farmers: * Florida but only if you are head of household. * South Carolina, too! * Pennsylvania, South Carolina, North Carolina and Texas do not allow wage garnishment for creditor debt. Florida does not have specific laws prohibiting the action, but does have laws that make it very difficult for wage garnishment against the "head of household." * Kansas - Special "purchased paper" law. Basically, if an account is sold to another company *BEFORE* judgment, a wage garnishment is not allowed. If an account is sold to another company *AFTER* judgment, then a wage garnishment is allowed.

Can a debt collector garnish wages if they are not the original creditor?

Yes. If they sue the debtor and win a judgment the creditor or collector can execute the judgment in accordance with the laws of the debtor's state. Texas, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and North Carolina are the only US states that do not allow wage garnishment for creditor debt.

What is a tax garnishment in the US?

A tax garnishment is a way of paying off a debt to the US Federal Tax Service. An amount is taken from the debtor's wage each time they are paid and put against paying off the debt.

If a judgment is granted to your divorce attorney because you did not pay legal fees can your wages be garnished?

It depends on the state... Probably. * Four US states do not allow garnishment if there is another option for the judgment holder to collect monies owed (bank account levy, seizure and liquidation of non exempt property, lien against real property). Those states are North and South Carolina, Texas and Pennsylvania. In all other US states a judgment holder can garnish wages. It would be quite simple for an attorney as they already have the necessary information to execute the judgment as a wage garnishment.

What is the minimum wage in US 2007?

minimum wage differs from states to states... there are even some that have NO minimum wage whatsoever.

Can you sue a city for failure to garnish a city employee's wages?

Maybe, it depends upon the laws of the state in which the garnishment is executed. Some US states only allow judgment garnishment of state and municipal workers when the it relates to child support and/or spousal maintenance and/or personal injury.

Can unemployment benefits be garnished by a judgment in Iowa?

Perhaps, it depends upon the laws of the debtor's state. Some US states allow the garnishment of unemployment benefits some do not. In all US states federal law allows the first $154.50 (weekly based) to be exempt from creditor garnishment only.