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Ghana is known to have a good English accent in Africa, often referred to as having a clear and easily understandable accent. Many Ghanaians have a strong emphasis on English language education, which contributes to their accent proficiency.

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Is there a prefered South African accent?

I'm presuming you mean an accent to English? In that case the preffered (or proper) accent is British English. The actual accent of the speaker is determined by his home language (there are 11 official languages in South Africa). If you want to see a good example of an accent and manner of speaking English in South Africa, watch the movie Blood Diamond. Leonardo Di Caprio does a very good Afrikaans accent of English in the movie, which is typical in South Africa.

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It really doesn't matter. Native English speakers (American and English) will be far more impressed if you have a good vocabulary and good use of grammar than if you have perfected a particular accent. As a native English speaker, I tend to assume that people who speak English as a foreign language adopt the accent of their teacher, or of the area that they learnt English in.

How can you make good pronunciation in English?

Listen to people who speak English--and try for the news, not movies. Movies will give you standard pronunciation, news reporters will usually speak in the accent most liked/accepted by their country.

Can an English accent be learned by only visiting there?

That's a good way. You could also do what Sidney Poitier did and study British films and recordings to master the accent.

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In Kisii language of African origin,"Buya" has the meaning of "Good/very well" in English.

Bueno y como esta el calor?

That would be "Good and how this the heat?" in English. Because WikiAnswers cannot add accent marks, the word "esta" could have an accent mark over the a. That would make the sentence clearer, as it would mean "Good and how is the heat?"

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In Kisii language of African origin,"Bwairire buya" has the meaning of "Good morning" in English.

Which country in Asia speaks good English?

Japan of course !