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George Wasington,John Adams,Thomas Jefferson,James Madison,James Monroe,John Quincy Adams,Andrew Jackson,Martin Van Buren,John Tyler,

James Knox Polk,Millard Fillmore,Franklin Pierce,James Buchanan,Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Simpson Grant,Ruthford Bichard Hayes,Chester Alan Arthur,

Stephen Grover Cleveland,Benjamin Harrison,Theodore Roosevelt,William Howard Taft,Thomas Woodrow Wilson,John Calvin Coolidge,Herbert Clark Hoover,Harry S.Truman,Dwight David Eisenhower,Lyndon Baines Johnson,Richard Milhous Nixon,Gerald Rudolph Ford,James Earl Carter,Ronald Wilson Reagon,George Herbert Walker Bush,William Jefferson Clinton,Gerorge Walker Bush

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Q: Which president did not die in office?
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Whoe was the youngest president to die in office?

The youngest president to die in office was President John F Kennedy.

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William Henry Harrison was the first president to die in office. He died after a month in office.

How was the 1st president to die in office?

William Henry Harrison was the first US president to die in office. He died in 1840.

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Zachary Taylor was the second to die in office.

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President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did die in office, in early 1945.

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Nobody. A president continues to serve in office when he is impeached. If he is convicted and removed from office, the vice-president becomes president, same as if the president were to die.

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The sixth president to die in office was Warren Harding who died of illness, somewhat mysteriously , on August 2, 1923.

When did the first American president die in office and was succeeded by his controversial vice president?

William Henry Harrison was the first president of the U.S to die in office. The vice president John Tyler took his place.

Was the first president to die in office?

The first US president to die in office was William Henry Harrison who died in April, 1841. The president with the shortest term in office was also Harrison, and it lasted just 31 days.

Who was the first president who died in office?

John Tyler was the vice-president who moved up to President when William Henry Harrison became the first US president to die in office.