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It all depends on the person.

Some women are sensitive and weak and fall in love easily, however there's also sensitive and weak men.

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Q: Who fall in love first when it comes to affair partner the husband or the wife?
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How kill the feeling of a forbidden love affair?

Cut all ties with the affair and focus on what u have with your partner... The fact that you want to kill the feeling means in your deepest mind you don't love the affair in the first place you have just allowed yourself to believe in this false love and have made I'll judgments about what your heart is telling you in the first place... Honesty to yourself is key and towards your partner too without detail..

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Do wives really ever forget about a husbands affair?

Uhm, no they basically lose all trust for their husbands. If the Husband didn't want to lose their wife they never should have had an affair in the first place. Juss sayingANSWER:I don't know about others, but for some wives, including myself you will never forget your husband's affair, especially if your husband fell in love with the woman he was having the affair with. If you ask man some will say it doesn't bothers them, some will say they can handle it as long as the wife will not do it again. But in a real world, a lot of women will not forget the affair, even they forgiven their husband. Also it will depend on how bad the situation is..

Why did Cleopatra have an affair on Ptolemy Xiii?

Cleopatra never had an affair with Ptolemy XIII. Ptolemy was her first brother/husband, but they hated each other. Their "marriage" was only a symbolic one, as were her other "marriages".

How the unhappy married woman stop emotional affair at workplace?

First, if you are unhappily married you should most definitely talk about it with your husband. See if there is something he can do differently to increase your happiness. Otherwise, move to Egypt. To stop your emotional affair (if you decide to leave your husband you dont have to) turn the person against you by avoiding them, so they constantly diss you so you no longer have your emotional affair.

How do you get over an affair which was perfect till one partner lost the desire is confused wth stress at work and homeStress not related with us we love our spouses also and were happy in our affair?

You should not of been having an affair in the first place. If you really loved your spouses you would not have begun the affair, nor would you feel the need to get over one.

When was First Affair created?

First Affair was created in 1960.

In the end of the affair how does the affair end?

Usually your official partner (the one who you're cheating on) will find out about you or the person who you're cheating withs partner will find out about him/her.ANSWER;From my own personal experience, my husband's affair ended when I discovered it. Bad scenario but that's what happen. My discovery ruined his second life, because the woman he met on a dating site made him happy, so by stopping it, changed his life. But he told me face to face that he "was" planning to break up with her, "but" he was looking for the right time so she wouldn't get hurt.Wth his explanation, it was clear to me that he wasn't ready to loose her. His planned was to talk to me first, then he will end his relationship with her..ditto! right

If a wife caught her husband cheating would she think of his ex mistress and what he did with her everytime she saw or heard the word affair?

Absolutely, especially for the first few months or even a year. The reality of your husband's affair will hit you like a brick and your life already change. The word "affair" is not your big concern, it will be some date of the month when your husband said that his working late but now you know it wasn't. Even watching tv and it's all about infidelity, this will take you down even you don't want to feel it. The betrayal and trust that your husband broken between the two of you will be hard to give back. This will be the fight for your life to how strong you are when it comes to pain. Remember not only the word "affair" but it can also be the smell, special date, some movie on t.v. and a lot more. If it help I was and still on the same place as you are even mine was 3 years ago.

Could you set aside the pain your husband gave you from his affair for the sake of your young children?

Each individual woman is different when it comes to forgiving her husband for having an affair and it is a personal decision by that woman. Once that bond of trust is broken it is difficult for the wife to trust her husband and generally that mistrust turns into questioning the husband if he should be late coming home to where he is going and eventually some men will simply leave the marriage on that basis. Not only that, but the wife feels demeaned or sometimes unattractive because she can subconsciously feel she is unattractive or her husband wouldn't have found it necessary to have an affair. Of course is most cases this is not true and the husband would cheat no matter how attractive his wife is. If your husband has had more than one affair before it is more than likely he will have another one. If this is the first affair he has had then humans make mistakes and it is worth trying to resolve problems in your marriage by seeking out a good marriage counselor, but only if your husband is willing. If your husband refuses to get marriage counseling or does not want to give up the woman he has had the affair with or feels threatened by you to walk away from the affair then no, it is not wise to stay in such an unsettled and toxic marriage for the sake of the children. If you and your husband decide to dissolve the marriage then try to do it on a friendly basis for the sake of the children as children often blame themselves for their parents divorcing. Make sure you try to appear to be friends in front of the children and agree that your husband pays child support and has joint custody of his children so the children can have both parents in their lives. If you do not want to be quite so drastic as to apply for divorce you could try separating for awhile to see if you and your husband cannot work things out, but be sure the children get to see him or even stay with this father on weekends and some holidays.

How can I explain my affair to my husband and that there was no intimacy?

You will have to think very clearly about telling your husband about having an emotional affair. Most men do not believe a woman can have an emotional affair and not have a sexual relationship. There is a high possibility that your husband may not believe that when you had an affair there was no sex involved although this is highly possible, but not in his mind. What you can do is learn good communication skills and you must have had your reasons (that clouded your judgment) to have an affair and you need to deal with these problems. Take time to think why you felt the need to have an emotional affair in the first place and then sit down with your husband and express why you are unhappy in the marriage and perhaps seek Marriage Counseling or the two of you could make a better effort with each other to make your marriage a more solid one. Once you have broken that bond of trust with your spouse it is difficult to gain their trust back.