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Andrew Jackson was the 1st president to survive an attempt on his life. The shooter's gun never fired.

Reagan was the first sitting president to survive an assassin's bullet as Jackson was never actually shot.

John F. Kennedy was the first president to survive the 1st attempt but not the 2nd.

"December 11, 1960: While vacationing in Palm Beach, Florida, President-elect John F. Kennedy's life was threatened by Richard Paul Pavlick, a 73-year-old former postal worker. Pavlick's plan was to serve as a suicide bomber by crashing his dynamite-laden 1950 Buick into Kennedy's vehicle, but the plan was disrupted when Pavlick saw Kennedy's wife and daughter bidding him goodbye.

Theodore Roosevelt survived a gun shot wound which was inflicted by a would-be assassin while Roosevelt was making a campaign speech in his presidential campaign of 1912, after he has left office as president.
if you mean "how to?".probably don't do anything to get someone to assassinate you in the first place .don't run for president if your black and that same year the KKK has had its most members in years(wink wink ;nudge nudge)

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The 7th US President, Andrew Jackson, survived a gun attack on January 30, 1835. At the Capitol Building, a house painter named Richard Lawrence aimed two percussion pistols at the President, but both misfired. Lawrence was confined to an insane asylum and died in 1861.

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Q: Who was the first president to survive an assassination attempt?
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