

Who were the kamikaze pilot in Pearl Harbor?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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There weren't any kamikaze pilots in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

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Q: Who were the kamikaze pilot in Pearl Harbor?
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What attack the pearl harbor?

The Japanese with Kamikaze planes

When did the first kamikaze attack happen?

The first kamikaze attack happen on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor.

How did the Japanese start to attack Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese landed a massive air strike on unsuspecting US infantry and navy men in Pearl Harbor. Kamikaze planes would dive bomb into US ships, killing men and damaging ships.

What is a kamikaze poliot?

The Kamikaze pilot flew his plane into US ships on a suicide mission .

What were the Kamikaze pilots of the Japanese air force supposed to do after they took off in their planes on a military mission?

The technique of the kamikaze was to crash their plane into their target. So they were on suicide missions. This technique was very successful in the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

Where kamakazi pilots use at Pearl Harbor?

Planes specifically made for kamikazes were not used, but if a pilot's plane was badly damaged, they would drop their bombs, aim at a target, and dive. Technically a kamikaze, but only if they were severely damaged, or for various reasons, such as not enough fuel to get back to the aircraft carrier, etc.

Why does have a kamikaze pilot a helmet?

His radio earphones were in the helmet.

What is the kamikaze pilot?

the kamikaze pilots were japenese pilots that purposely crashed there planes into allied ships, commiting suicide.

Where did Pearl Harbor takes place?

Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii.

What was the Ultimate legacy of the kamikaze?

One pilot. One warship.

What is a sentences for kamikaze?

A Japanese suicide pilot during WWII

What is the book Pearl Harbor about?

pearl harbor