

Why are Asians so smart?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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12y ago

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screw you. Asians are smart they study and try hard in fact most Asians has a better percentage of smart people than stupid and lazy people. Sometimes the bad part about Asians are that they play a lot of Video Games. I'm Asian but I'm not really smart and not stupid I'm in between.

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13y ago
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1w ago

Intelligence is not determined by race, but rather a combination of genetics, environment, and upbringing. Stereotypes about certain racial groups being inherently smarter are harmful and not based in fact. Each individual's intelligence is unique and cannot be generalized based on their race.

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11y ago

While it is a stereotype to think all Asian people are smart, there are, in fact, many smart Asian people though it is not because they are Asian.

Also, contrary to popular belief, there are many Asian countries with lower education levels than America.

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12y ago

asians are so smart because in Vietnam my home country we do farming we learn from our mistakes and kids sometime learn there level that they are not in they learn so they can see there living futures but don't forget about Americans some Americans are smart some choose to say no i don't want to go to school but how you see school will help ur future so learn from asians learn from ur friends and that is why asians are smart but if i compare with America i would say equal because u all will suceed if u go to school............. to be continued because i don't fell like typing no more so STAY IN SCOOL THE ASIAN GIRL SAYS

Considering I'm Chinese, shes right, Asians face lots of hardships. Education is a must. My mom spends more on my education then toys and games like Americans. My schedule id all filled up with like thousands of things to do.

Asians are so samrt because they have tight parents, they lock you in basements or in a cage and dungeons if you don't obey them.

北方話汉语/漢語 华语/華語

also asians are more dedicated to learning than Americans... they will keep trying to do something right. They also don't quit as fast or get aggravated as fast as aamercians

Well.. Asian kids are just like other kids. But i think its the way that we were raised.. I mean like asians went through a lot of hardships and so they want their children to have a better life so they discipline their kids A LOT so they know whats good for them or not. I think it kinda depends on the kid too.. I mean like my parents do kinda push me and making me getting good grades.. But like i don't want to disappoint them, its not like their gonna yell at me or anything but i just don't want to let them down. To asians if you get a good grades its actually really normal. Its not a big deal or anything o.o BUT when you get like a B or C or anything below that.. Its pretty much dishonoring the family and dishonoring pretty much all of the things your parents did to you and blah blah blah. I don't know.. But Asian parents are very hard on their children.. Luckily my parents understand me xD But i still want good grades cause then I'd be the only Asian in my class that doesnt get good grades. People have high expectations for asians.. And its really HARDD!! Urghh.


i am a Korean (different person from above ) and i also agree with the person above, haha! in my opinion, it's all in how Asian people think. Asia was once overshadowed, and because small countries like Korea and Japan weren't well-known, these countries worked twice as hard so they could prove themselves. Korean peoples' minds are very very strong and they push themselves over their limit, they don't give up easily and it's very common for students to not sleep at all because they have to study. it may seem stupid and unhealthy to many people, but in Korea, everything is competetive, you have to work to get what you need. "nothing's free." this is probably why Korean people (and other Asian countries) work harder. this doesn't go for all asians, there are slackers. :D people will say, asians are smart, but there's a reason. asians aren't born to be naturally smart (well, some are) they study study study. you don't have to be smart if you are Asian, but there's a bit of pressure, and you'll probably worry about your grades instinctively. anyways, hope that helped!

Japanese people lie to often. (nanking:( massacre) etc

I am also Korean.Asian are so smart because of their education. Indian can now 19x19. Korean education is world 1st~

I say it's your own choice to be smart or not.

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13y ago

"Asian people are smart" is a stereotype. Not all Asians are smart. However, many Asian people would be considered smart because embedded in their culture, there is a strong underlying emphasis towards education and social achievement. Although genes may also account for this, it is certainly only part of the answer and should not lead to generalization.

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8y ago

These stereotypes cannot be proven, and it is racist to think so. There are 3 Asian kids in my class, on a level of 1 - 10 (1=dumb, 10=smart) one of them is a 9, another is like a 4, and another is like a 2. Some Asians may be very smart, but others not so much. Same with other races, like Black, White, etc.

I agree we can be as smart or stupid as we want

Sometimes people just don't understand what is to be stupid and lazy. People are not stupid all our knowledge is the same it just depends on how you use it. You might choose the decision to be smart or to be stupid as a cow and I'm just using figurative language I don't really mean stupid as a cow its just an expression. So just understand what your decision is and what it means to you so GOOD LUCK

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13y ago

because they have very special moves, cooks,and daces.

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13y ago

We're not good at everything...strict parents and school??

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