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The Papal States of historical Italy was ruled civilly by the Pope from about the 6th century until Italy was unified in 1861. In 1796, the country now know as Italy was many smaller countries including:

+ Bishropric of Trent

+ Duchy of Modena

+ Duchy of Parma

+ Grand Duchy of Tuscany

+ Kingdom of Sardinia

+ Kingdom of Sicily

+ Republic of Genoa

+ Republic of Lucca

+ Republic of Venice

+ The Papal States which included the city of Rome France invaded and controlled much of Italy in 1796, restored it in 1800, invaded again in 1808, and restored again in 1814. This uncertainty lead to a growing of Italian nationalism. Pope Pius IX was elected in 1846. In the 1850s, two nationalist movements were well underway, one in the north to unite the country under the Kingdom of of Sardinia and another in the south to create a republic. The Papal States were between these two factions. In 1960, the Sardinians with the permission of France invaded and conquered the Papal States and rest of southern Italy and the Kingdom of Italy was declared. Only Rome remained in the Pope's hands because of the French garrison places there to protect the Pope. In 1870, France withdrew its troops for its own defense in the Franco-Prussian War and the Italians took control of Rome. The Pope withdrew in protest into the Vatican. In 1929, with the Lateran Treaty, Pope Pius XI officially renounced all of the Papal States except the State of Vatican City. In review, Pope Pius XI:

+ Faced with revolutionary movements in Italy

+ Initially was very liberal:

. + Freeing all political prisoners

. + Granting Rome a constitutional framework

+ Turned conservative after

. + Assassinations incuding that of his Minister of the Interior

. + Terrorist acts

. + The 1848 revolution in Italy, France and Germany

+ Had to flee Rome in 1848

+ Lost the Papal states permanently to Italy in 1870 Pius refused to accept a Law of Guarantees from Italy, which would have made the Vatican dependent on reliable Italian financing for all times to come. This was probably, in retrospect, a good decision. The later Lateran Treaty freed tha papacy of civil rule but gaurenteed the State of Vatican City the independence it now enjoys.

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