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I believe you meant 'does wearing black make you look thinner'...the answer is yes. The opposite is true if you wear white.

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Q: Why does black make you look thinner?
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You can make your midsection look better by purchasing a black swimsuit which will look like it's tucking your stomach and won't puff your lower body.

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Black is a very dark color that blends in easily with shadowing of your clothes making the shadows less apparent, making your appearance appear more as a flat silhoette instead of a 3 dimenstional. (by the shadowing I mean if you have 'rolls' it will blend it in with the rest) and also black makes you look thinner bacause it is darker and harder to tell how bug something is unlike if you were wearing blue... hope this helped

Is black people skin thinner than white people?

Yes thats why they look more defined

Is there a way to position you mirrior to make you look thinner?

A long mirrors can work.

Does light hair look thinner?

Yes it is thinner.

What color that makes you slim?

The theory is that darker colors make you look thinner. It works for me.

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The black suit should make you seem thinner already and the tie-shirt is up to you. Anything would look ok with those eyes.

Do horizontal stripes make you look fatter?

They make you look slimmer. Vertical stripes make you appear thinner, horizontal stripes, depending on there width and placement can emphasize your width.