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Chicken is easier for a person to digest compared to beef because chicken muscles are not as tough as beef muscle. Muscle is the main source of food from the animal eaten.

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12y ago

cause its smaller and pasta has no fats

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Q: Why is chicken easier to digest than beef?
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Does chicken and beef take the same amount of time to digest in the human body?

No, chicken is easier to digest in the human body than beef. Beef stays in a person's system longer.

Does chicken spoil faster than pork?

beef and chicken spoil at the same rate beef and chicken spoil at the same rate beef and chicken spoil at the same rate

Do humans digest chicken faster than pork?

Yes, chicken does get digested faster than pork. This is because of the high fat content in pork, and fat takes longer to digest.

Should you have beef or chicken for dinner?

Chicken, it has more flayour and better taste than beef, and is very tender.

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What type of corn will digest the best?

For human consumption: Creamed corn (as in soup) is already broken down so it will digest easier than whole kernel corn. Processed corn such as in cereals will also digest easier than whole kernel corn. I don't know about animal consumption.

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FALSE! I think (•_•)

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What types of food digest slowest?

Yes, carbohydrates digest more quickly than proteins and fats. Fruits and vegetables are digested even faster since they contain mostly water. Fresher = faster, fattier/heavier = slower.

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It is no easier to digest than plain milk. If you need easy-to-digest milk for lactose intolerance, it is best to try lactose-free milk.

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