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He was hung drawn and quartered because he was found guilty of treason and robbery, though it is very likely that Henry VIII asked his inspectors to make it seem like this has happened. Richard Whiting was an honest man.

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Q: Why was Richard Whiting hung drawn and quatered?
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Richard Whiting got his death orders from Tomas Cromwell and Henry V111 king of england-rein;1509-1547...) and got tortured then hung drawn and quartered, his head went onto his abbeys gate and the other 3 parts of him went to Bath, Ilchester and Bridgewater...

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Guy Fawkes was sentenced to be hung drawn and quartered what does drawn and quartered mean?

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They were hung, drawn, and quartered.

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Hung - Drawn and Quartered !!

What torture did Guy Fawkes get?

First he was tortured. Then he was dragged to his place of execution. Then hung until almost dead. After that his belly was slit open and his genitalia removed. Then cut into four pieces and finally beheaded. (Hung, drawn and quartered) His various pieces were then put on display a lesson to others.