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The Whig party was the base of the North but were close to splitting in 1852 and many of the them jumped to the new Republican party in the next election because their desire to abolish slavery. Their founders Daniel Webster and John Quincy Adams had recently died. The decision to include support of the Compromise of 1850 with its fugitive slave provision in the parties platform for 1852 meant that Northern Whigs did not work very hard to elect their candidate Scott, unlike the Democrats who already in the majority who were solidly behind their candidate, Pierce.

Moreover, Pierce for the independent voter had much going for him - he was young, nice looking, had experience in the both houses of the US Congress as well as the NH legislature. His father had been a two-term governor and Pierce served as a general in the Mexican War. Pierce was a successful lawyer and had been offered the position of attorney-general of the US by President Polk.

Scott was 66 years old and had never held elected office, he did not have a college degree- his only credential was his military success.

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Q: Why would northerners support Franklin Pierce?
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Why did Franklin D. Roosevelt refuse to support an anti-lynching bill before that was before the Congress?

because he would of gone to jail

What would Benjamin Franklin be doing on a day at work?

Ben Franklin would be doing ........................................................ work.

Why did northerners oppose the sale of public land?

here was no profit in it for most northerners and it would provide a way for wage slaves to find opportunities somewhere besides in the north. They wanted cheap labor and the west would slim the pickings provided by desparation and poverty.

How would the war be different if Benjamin Franklin was not there?

When you say, "war," I presume you mean the American Revolutionary War. The question is essentially two parts, each of which are difficult to answer: 1) Would France have supported American independence without Franklin as the U.S. ambassador? 2) Would the Continentals have won the war without French support? It is generally agreed that Franklin was far more deft at diplomacy in France than his co-worker John Adams. However, almost ANYONE would have been better at diplomacy there than Adams. It is quite a stretch to say that nobody but Franklin could have convinced the French government to join in this war, although Franklin was certainly one of the best choices to do so. Without the COVERT support of the French, the Continentals would have had no chance of victory -- plain and simple, France was their only significant source of gunpowder during the War. It is difficult, however, to be certain of the degree to which the OVERT support of the French military was for an American victory. Yorktown, for instance, could not possibly have been an American victory unless the French Navy won the Battle of the Chesapeake Bay -- but it is not a given that victory at Yorktown ended the War. *IF* one presumes that only Franklin could have persuaded the French to openly join the War, and *IF* one presumes that the Continentals could have won the War only with open French support, then Franklin not being there would clearly have resulted in an American defeat.

What arguments did Benjamin Franklin make in support of the Constitution?

Benjamin Franklin made several arguments in support of the Constitution. He argued that the Constitution provided a strong centralized government that would prevent chaos and ensure stability. Franklin also believed that the Constitution balanced power between the states and the federal government, giving both necessary authority. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of compromise and praised the efforts of the Founding Fathers in creating a document that was flexible and open to amendments.

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How old is Franklin Pierce?

Franklin Pierce was born on November 23, 1804 and died on October 8, 1869. Franklin Pierce would have been 64 years old at the time of his death.

How old is Franklin Pierce Adams?

Franklin Pierce Adams was born on November 15, 1881 and died on March 23, 1960. Franklin Pierce Adams would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 133 years old today.

Which president is Franklin pierce's desendant?

I've heard that Barbara Bush is a descendant of Franklin Pierce, which would make George W. Bush his descendant as well, but I've never found confirmation of that.

How old would Franklin Pierce be now in 2007?

Franklin Pierce was the fourteenth President of the United States. He was born in 1804, so there was a bicentennial celebration at his birthplace and at his home in Concord m New Hampshire in 2004. He will be 207 on November 23, 2011.

Why did Northerners chose to not support the war with Mexico?

They were afraid that all acquired territories would become slave states.

What would it be like without Franklin Pierce?

Without Pierce, somebody else would have been the 14th US president . Possibly Kansas and Nebraska would be just one state today. Other than that, I think life today would be as it is.

Did Franklin Pierce have any hobbies after presidency?

He was reportedly an avid fisherman. I would assume that he did some fishing after he left office.

Would you voted for Franklin Pierce as a president?

Yes. probably. His opponent was Winfield Scott, an old Mexican War general. Pierce had been a US Senator and had a good reputation as an honest lawyer in New Hampshire.

What bill did president Franklin Pierce veto in 1854?

The Bill for the Benefit of the Indigent Insane. It would have established asylums for the indigent insane, as well as the blind, deaf, and dumb, via federal land grants to the states.

Why were both northerners and southerns at first confident of victory in the civil war?

Southerners believed the Europeans were on their side and would rally to support them. They also believed the North would tire of the war and give up. Northerners believed they were fighting for the right cause (preservation of the union) and believed the Confederacy would be no match militarily for the Union army.

Why did southerners support the annexation of Texas?

They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery

How did the furgitive slave act and the kansas Nebraska act further divide the north amd the south?

Well to begin with, the North already didn't like slavery. They tried to put a stop to it. The Fugitive Slave Act required all citizens to help catch runaways. Anyone who aided a fugitive could be fined or imprisoned. Many people in the South believed the law would enforce Northerners to recognize the rights of Southerners. The Northerners didn't want to catch any runaway slaves because they didn't like slavery. The Kansas-Nebraska Act pushed the North and the South more away because Franklin Pierce (A New Hampshire Democrat) supported the Fugitive Slave Act and he became president. Franklin Pierce intended to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act, and His actions hardened the opposition.