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First, you have to calm down. Don't panic.

Pregnancy tests take some time to work properly. You won't find the results within a day of conception.

Hormonal imbalances can cause breast leakage, but that's rare unless you're still going through puberty.

If you think you are pregnant, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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Q: Your breast were leaking today Last week you spotted 3 days very light a week early you have had a negative pregnancy test What other reason could your breast be leaking?
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If you have stopped breast feeding for more than a year but are just recently leaking could that be a sign of pregnancy?

Hello. Yes this could be a sign of pregnancy. Do a pregnancy test. If negative consult your doctor.

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It can be, but its not always the reason for it.

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take a different type of test! it sounds like you are pregnant to me

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It's possible, but leaking breasts aren't the first sign of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test, and contact your health care provider for a breast exam.

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Each pregnancy is different. There is nothing to be worried about.

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Breast discharge and breast enlargement can be side effects of the birth control pill. Pregnancy signs are a missing period and positive pregnancy test.

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It's a risk for embarrasment and soiled clothes, but not for you or the baby.

If you have stopped breast feeding for more than a year but are still leaking could that be a sign of pregnancy?

If you stopped leaking and then suddenly started leaking again, that is a possible sign of pregnancy. But if you have never stopped leaking, then it's probably that you just haven't "dried up" yet. It takes some women longer than others.

Is it possible to be pregnant if the breast are leaking also1 day late?

if youre 1 day late your breasts shouldn't be leaking anything. not at least for several more months. get a pregnancy test.

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You need to see your doctor. Certain medications can cause lactation. Pituitary tumors can cause lactation. Most women do have breast secretions at some point in their lives so it may be normal. Bloody discharge or painful discharge should also be evaluation for infection or breast cancer.

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whats wrong with me I'm on my period and milk leaking out my breast

Breast changes during pregnancy?

yes, breast changes significantly! They become bigger, firmer and the circles around nipples become much darker. At the end of pregnancy they sometimes start leaking colostrum.