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478 pounds of fish fat

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Q: 'How much calories does a fish cake contains?
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How much calories in fruit cake?

In 250 grams fruit cake, you will get 800 calories. To get high calories in short time fruitcakes are really awesome.

What is high fat cake?

A high fat cake is a cake that contains high amounts of calories, fats, and sugars. It is usually a cake that includes egg yolks, milk, cream, butter, margarine, lard, shortening / vegetbale shortening, and / or oil.

What is the fat content in king-fish?

How much calories is there in king fish

How much do a rice cake weigh?

there's are 10 grams of carbs in rice cakes

If you eat 2000 calories from apples and 2000 calories from cake will you gain the same amount of weight?

Generally, yes. But your body will process the foods differently. 2000 calories of cake is not that much cake. A few slices will do it with some cakes. 2000 calories of apples is a lot. That's like 20+ apples

How much does a cake or fresh yeast weigh?

It depend upon how much it contains.

How many calories in carrot cake?

HOW MANY CALORIES IN CARROT CAKEThat depends on whether the carrot cake it is store bought or homemade and the size of the portion.On average 1 oz, or 28g, of carrot cake has 100 calories.Therefore, it could be approximately 200 calories for a small portion and as much as 800 or 900 calories for a large portion.An average slice of carrot cake with frosting is about 300 to 400 calories.*Video: Healthy carrot cake recipe no butter or sugar

How much calories are contained in a whole piece of matzo if one half contains 60 calories?

Do the math. 120 calories.

How much calories are in ice cream cake?

150 ( it depend on the flavor of the icecream we use )

How many calories in pineapple cake?

Depends on how much you have..slivers around 100 calories while a whole hovers around 1200.

How much calories in one Russ?

One rusk contains 150 calories. This should be stated on the container.