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The opening and closing of the Stomata allows for water vapor and other gases to come into or out of leave.

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Q: Allows the passage of water vapor and others gases into and out of leaves?
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Which structure allows the passage of oxygen to the environment?

Stomata in plant leaves allow the exchange of gases with the environment. Oxygen passes out and carbon dioxide passes in. Stomata are holes in the leaf's surface layers , mostly on the underside of the leaves.

What is the process called that allows gases in and out of plants?

Gases enter plants through the Stomata, microscopic mouth like structures on the bottoms of leaves, for the purpose of inhaling CO2 for Photorespiration.

What are the gases produced while you burn leaves?

The gases that are produced while burning leaves are 1) Carbon Dioxide 2) Carbon Monoxide

How does the exchange of gases take place in the human body?

Gases takes place by nasal passage go to lungs to purifi.

What are pores in the leaves of plants that allow co2 and sunlight in?

The process in which gases enter the leaves of the plants is called respiration.

Where does the exchange of gases occur in the plant?

During the stage of photosynthesis, the exchange of gases occur in the leaves.

What structure allows the flow of gases in and out of a leaf?


What is the function of the mesophyll in a leaf?

allows for the interchange of gases

In plantsexchange of gases takes place through what in the leaves?


What is the function of spongey mesophyll in a leaf?

allows for the interchange of gases

What is the openings in leaves that allow gases to pass through?

The openings where gases enter and leave plant leaves are called stomata's. These are crucial for the survival of plants.

Leaves have what on the lower surface?

Stomata that can help plants to exchange gases.